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  1. 4 points
    Down by the river. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Bimmersporters!
  2. 2 points
    There’s been a few E39’s posted up for sale lately in various colours and more importantly condition . Pricing varied and the example at Archibald’s in ChCh just recently sold and boomeranged its way back to Whangarei . So with this said I thought I’d do a show n tell on my example . I’ve owned the car twice . I should have never sold it some 13 years earlier , but I got a knock to the head and went down the Porsche route for many years . Anyway coming to my senses I had the opportunity several years ago to purchase ‘ol blue back. I’m really a purist at heart however the car has morphed into essentially what is a NZ version of a Dinan stage 2 car . To the uninitiated it looks stock which I really like . It performs very well , sounds epic and has been maintained to a very high standard . Mileage is circa 117,000 kms from new . It’s an NZ new car , built April 2002 and delivered through McMillans in July same year . Cheers .
  3. 2 points
    See if you can find one with a qtc of around 0.5 which in a sealed box should be around 0.7 qts . Best combo of response and low end imho. Cabin gain will help bring up the sub bass region below 50hz can be anywhere between +6 - +10 db. Your plan for back corner are ideal as usually will play +3db louder than other locations . Important when running an 8. With QTS value if you haven’t already picked up on it a value of 0.5 is very tight bass but not so good on extension , 0.7 considered the best combo of rhythm and low end extension. 1.0 and above is considered boomy and flabby bass, but ok for hip hop genre where the overhang can work quite well. There is quite a good online simulator for TS modelling of speaker response for a given speaker Loudspeaker database. And cabin gain can be modelled via a tab in REW if your interested In going that far.https://www.roomeqwizard.com/ Edit, had forgotten about winSD modelling software, worth a look. https://www.subwoofer-builder.com/WinISD.htm
  4. 1 point
    I'm actually quite keen on this myself John. My commuter 130i had its box serviced at some stage by someone that did not fill it correctly. Caused the dredded low speed shudder. I sorted the shudder but the box changes pretty harshly sometimes and often "slips" going up a gear from 2nd to 3rd. I would probably go with the ZF6 for this car. As I already have a manual 130i for the fun stuff. I was also just looking at the S55 DCT adapter for my M30 in the E34 too.
  5. 1 point
    That’s looking good. Good combo of specs and ideal sealed box sub. 11mm one way xmax spec good too. If you compare to the focal that one really wants to be in an infinite baffle set up rather than a sealed box. With the dual voice coils you could go the other way with a 1 ohm parallel load depending on sub amplifier. More recently there seems to be a number of class D amps that are 1ohm stable. You just do the old I R / V ohms law and work out maximum current and then wire gauge that’s suited. But I suspect 2mm2 will be more than large enough at your target power levels. With the depth also allow room for the rear vent. If the gap is too small the sub won’t preform as well as it could. Think of it as additional spring loading if it’s too close to the back wall. One trick you can do with the enclosure is to stuff it. Has the effect of making the enclosure 20% larger to the sub if you are tight on volume. If you can fit it looking like an excellent choice. At the high end price wise ( JL audio ) I’d skip that and use a stereo integrity bm11 . Similar box size requirements and shallow depth. Bass wouldn’t be as tight as alpine but can go down to 20hz with 0.4 box and 3 inch depth.
  6. 1 point
    https://www.alpina-classic.shop/teile/leichtmetallrad-classic-8x16-passend-fur-e30-ha You can still buy them directly from Alpina, staggered set too. edit: that's price for a single wheel btw.
  7. 1 point
    You need to do some coding. HU_(cic/nbt/entry) RADIO_COUNTRY => ECE FM_DEEMPHASIS => 50us AF_FUNKTION => af_ein
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