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About Linden

  • Rank
    2nd Gear
  • Birthday 03/01/1986

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  • Name
    Linden Birnie
  • Location
  • Car
    E30 325i

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2008 profile views
  1. Still sitting there annoying me $650? you could have a manual beema for under 1k if you do the clutch..
  2. Will consider any reasonable offers on this just want it gone...
  3. Hey ive got a E30 318i manual sitting in the back yard which i was ment to fix but havnt, now up for sale. Good tyres on it, front are both 8mm tread, rear 3/4mm Needs a new Clutch and alternator (thought i had one but cant find it) It drives but slips when accelerating more than a 90 year old so i wouldnt wanna go long distances... Failed wof on. RH Rack Boot, LH Headlight, Road test brakes(theyre fine), no brake lights, washer and wipers, rear exhaust braket For the sake of putting a price up lets say $900 and any reasonable offers will be considered. Car is in Christchurch (Woolston). 027 3111 976
  4. Only after the clutch the box in the car is mint just slips when putting foot down aye, where abouts is the cheapest place to source new?
  5. As little as possible hence considering second hand, is it new or used and what do u want for it?
  6. Hey wheres the cheapest place to source a Getrag 240 (m10 box right?) or anyone with a second hand they wanna flick off cheap Cheers Linden
  7. How much do you want for the snow tyres?
  8. kinda want 25mm or could possibly do 20 if they were cheap enough
  9. Can ship at your cost, may not be able to get pics till saturday morning as im busy all day tomorrow and no light atm... Just found an old pic of the car they came off, can get closer ones sat could do with a respray they look mint black too Also look far tougher with no centercaps
  10. Hey im after a pair of 5x120 bolt on spacers if anyone has some Cheers Linden
  11. Ive got a set of basketweaves sitting around wasting space, so come pick them up and spice up your E30! Have 4x centercaps and removal tool, Can put up pics if you want, will check tread tomorrow im guessing around 2-3mm.. there is also a 5th basketweave with decent tread on it but the wheel is warped.. $150, Pickup Christchurch 027 3111 976 Linden
  12. Have a 4.45 diff on trademe sitting at $1, closes monday, can remove just gears if you like unsure if its 188mm?? http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=392828475
  13. Ring a freight company could do depot to depot may not be too much and wont cost u much if it goes for f**kall
  14. Getting rid of stuff lying around the yard, $1 reserve, Gearbox: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=392827371 Diff: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=392828475 Springs (rear only): http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=392833857 Powersteering Pump: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=392834691 Located in chch
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