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  1. Past hour
  2. "Gosh some of the questions just pure stupidity! Hey good luck with your auction, I hope you get a very good price for it. We have the same car currently for sale with very similar circumstances. All the best" From the same guy wanting 35k for NZ's worse condition E39 M5
  3. Yesterday
  4. Eagle

    E39 2000 540i Msport

    Surprisingly no mention of the transmission rebuild and timing chains being done
  5. I had to go back to A&E last night, to get nut antibiotics.... either my balls are so big from sending dangerous sh*t on the bike, or that catheter went really really wrong. I would genuinely rather piss myself than have one of them again.
  6. That’s a great effort. Great that you got all the right care too. Hope you recover well. I’ll just add this, imagine having the catheter in for 14 days.
  7. The trans from my old 540 that’s currently being wrecked (not the most recent rebuild but probably more recently rebuilt than most) would make this wagon a more financially viable proposition…
  8. Glad to see you’re recovering, I ride bikes as well and can only imagine how gnarly that crash must’ve been. Recently had to carry my mate to a helicopter in a stretcher at the top of coronet peak in Queenstown, never a fun time. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
  9. Great you see the positive out of it with how the medical team worked to stabilise you. There are some phenomenal people that fix us up when we get broken. One of those life events, happy to have survived …. But fu$k, that was a bit close. Speedy and progressive recovery.
  10. Wow. Good to hear you've come through it. I had a similar experience some years back now. Helmet was probably the only reason I'm around today as well. All the best with the recovery.
  11. Came off the mountain bike 1 week ago, to the hour, at Redwoods in Vegas down a grade 5. f**ked up a drop, ended up going over the bars and headfirst into the ground. Full face helmet exploded, I remember sliding along dirt and tasting it with my body ragdolling behind my neck. It wasn't a nice feeling. Once came to a stop was on my back and staring up at the tree canopy. Can I feel my toes? Yes. Thanks f**k. Can I move my fingers? Yes. Thank f**k. Can I Breathe.... Yesss... THONK(Owwww). Can I get up? No. Things are crunchy. Rescue medics came pretty quick and stabilised my spine, was thrown onto a stretcher and 6 people lifted my ass out of the forrest and into a ute. Ute met ambulance who took me to Rotorua A&E. Xrays and CT scans, quickly reviewed. Multiple broken vertebrae, sternum is broken in multiple places (I over heard the CT tech says "f**k I bet that stings" ). Due to how smashed sternum is, and the amount of force required to do it, they were worried that my squishy important innards took a beating. so got 2x ECGs which showed normal cardio activity. Rotorua then ordered my ass a helicopter, which flew me (wrapped up like a burrito) to middlemore emergency (who have the best spinal unit in country). 4 more X-rays, two more CTs, cardio ultrasounds and ECGs. Alll damage is structural! I have broken 4 vertebrae (C1, T5, T6, T7... so essentially i folded into a staple shape....) No neurological damage, no spinal damage, no cardio damage. 4 days after nearly ending myself I became vertical for first time and got to see something other than ceilings.. catheter then comes out (which took 3 people and me biting on a rolled up towel, the f**ken pain was unreal). The next day Im walking around. I can feed myself. I can wash myself. I can go to the toilet. 7 days after coming within millimeters of the edge, I've been discharged and am at home with my family. I owe a lot to the rescue and medical professionals, and to the engineer who designed my helmet. Will be at least 6 weeks until am out of brace, and then can think about driving again... but Im pretty sure I just won the lottery.
  12. Last week
  13. Hmmm, a s54 swap, manual conversion, keep it look oem.. 🙂
  14. @BigPoppa have updated my listing for the 330d with more photos now.
  15. Only thing it is missing is a full service history. Very low mileage, allegedly superb condition... Maybe a few equivalent examples in NZ, but it'll be a very few. Not really a collectible spec and that's kinda where the price is at.
  16. elias

    E91 330d Wagon m57

    Unfortunately not much at all, previous owner (old guy who owned the car for a long time) misplaced the service records and wasn’t able to find them. that being said, happy to arrange viewings, test drives etc. Car drives really well.
  17. Palazzo

    E91 330d Wagon m57

    Any service history/maintenance records?
  18. elias

    E91 330d Wagon m57

    Finally got round to getting some photos. 9000ono for bimmersport members before I list it on trademe, Facebook etc. 330d, not to be confused with the 320d, this one has the far superior m57 straight six. Incredibly hard to find in wagon form.
  19. I wouldn't be too concerned with bus contention issues on E46 given it's a 500kb/s network with only a handful of messages. ARBID 0x338 is a good candidate for packing additional data, but it is only sent every 1000ms. If you're wanting data at a higher frequency then an unused ARBID is your best bet, as you've described using the 10ms task.
  20. I bet you wish I HADN'T sent you those pics, right??? JUST as I opened this thread; Solomon (my 14 YO) yelled out "OW, MY EYES" about a game... but good timing 😁
  21. ^ Dude playing dumb on trademe... Saw this pop up. I get it - low k's perhaps single owner but also auto 318? Not a lot of desire from me.
  22. i have seen those photos twice now and that is 2 times more than anyone should have to see that!!
  23. I don't know much about CAN bus and ECUs in vehicles. I find it interesting though. It's cool what you are doing with the dissasembly. Interested to see what you eventually come up with for injecting the new function call. For context, I work as a software developer so I'm roughly following your disassembly process. Just haven't done anything with CAN bus etc.
  24. I was back to work this week running v5 of my tune with 5 rounds of VE tuning on top of it. It's given me the opportunity to drive a familiar route and get some good comparisons, as most of my recent driving has been VE tuning runs. Firstly - low rpm, round town drivability is now, believe it or not, BETTER than it was for me with stock airbox and stock program/tune! (to be fair I also cleaned the TBs, ICV, etc. at the same time so need to consider the impact this will have had also). Needless to say I'm extremely happy with how this is turning out. Drivability concerns are what put me off doing the CSL airbox for so long, so I'm stoked that this approach has turned out so well. I'm not sure if it's that just my car wasn't completely happy with the standard 1901 tune my car came with or what, but I guess I'd got used to avoiding certain RPMs at certain loads and speeds and all that is gone. I can cleanly and smoothly run up and down the range in first gear in stop start traffic, I can stay in higher gears at lower speeds than I would have and it's smooth sailing. SMG shifts and downshifts are excellent and repeatable. On the euro software (both with and without the CSL255 parameters) I couldn't be completely confident that I wouldn't get a bit of a jolt sometimes downshifting from 2nd to 1st with my foot off the accelerator. Now all that is gone completely. Not to make out that there aren't still improvements I can make, there's a couple of rpm/load spots I need to smooth out some more, but there's not many of them left at this point. Another scenario I often encountered previously was the tendency for the car to jerk under anything more than mild acceleration for the first 30 seconds or so after startup when completely cold. That's gone as well and drivability is smooth from completely cold. When starting out with this I would have been stoked to have ended up with the drivability being no worse than it was on the Euro tune, to have ended up with something even better is magic. I'm looking forward to continuing to fine tune. Relatedly I've been making some good progress with disassembly and have started looking at options around pushing more useful values onto the CANBUS. Looking at the address tables, functions, etc there doesn't seem to be any particular reason why it wouldn't be possible to add a function for an additional ARBID to be inserted onto the bus. If given an appropriately low priority ARBID it shouldn't get in the way of more critical signals. The bit that would be most difficult to figure out (apart from the bit where you DON'T brick your DME) is the easiest way to inject the additional function call into the flow. Looking at the 10ms task it would probably be easiest to take an existing function, move that function and use it's original address to build out a new function that calls both it and the additional function for the new ARBID. Unless I can find some spare bytes somewhere to inject an additional JSR (no doubt there's others here with more skills than me at identifying injection points for patches, so sing out if you have any suggestions). Other pre-reqs to this include tracing the variables that would be useful to send (things like lambda integrators, rpm, relative opening) and following the program flow to confirm the actual internal refresh rates for those variables (some of these are defined in the funktionsrahmen, but some aren't so I'd like to confirm for peace of mind).
  25. One other change I made was to switch out the front pad retention pins from the OEM press fit items to these R-clip style. The OEM system required a ridiculous amount of pounding on the pin to install !! Image shows OEM top and clip based bottom.
  26. LsBeema

    LsBm2 Build

    I got offered the wing, Iw as never. WINGER!!..did a test fit.... Let's vote..yea..or nah... I'll mount it to the chassis though.. not the lid..maybe 80-100 mm lower..
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