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Everything posted by m_power

  1. m_power

    Tints on the 325

    Sure, i think it was $180, but that was a dealer special...so may cost more? Yeh the guy told me not to use the windows for 2 days.
  2. m_power

    Tints on the 325

    Thanks. No i havent tinted the front window...that would be illegal
  3. m_power

    Tints on the 325

    I am loving the tints, keeps the leather cooler to!!!
  4. Just got my tints on the 325, 35% darkest legal. Basket weavers coming at end of january thanks to skidz, then lowering springs at some stage, getting repaint(boot, roof, bonnet) at end of january as well.
  5. Whats the going rate for a face lift mtech kit, side,front,rear kit(no rear spoiler). Any1 have any cheap ones at the moment
  6. m_power

    e30 turbo

    Ok, after doing more research iv decided its to much $$$ for me to turbo my car, so instead i am going to do a manual conversion and mtech kit, i am gona have to wait for a little while b4 i can purchase these parts as $$$ is a bit tight untill end of january. But if any1 offers me one cheap or i see a cheap buy i may purchase it. Looking to buy kit as whole(front,side,rear kit)
  7. m_power

    e30 turbo

    How did u do it so cheap? is it cheaper to turbo m10s?
  8. m_power

    e30 turbo

    Oh!!! well i was way off!!! if i used as much used bits as possible...would i be able to get the price down? e.g. skyline turbo and intercooler. Or is that just the cost of doing it?
  9. m_power

    e30 turbo

    Yeh thats what i thought. So you dont think it could be done for abput 3k?
  10. m_power

    e30 turbo

    thanks for your help guys...looks like i will have to do more research. Does any1 have a rough indication of how much it would cost?
  11. m_power

    e30 turbo

    yeh i know, but if i was gona turbo it i would rather see a m20 under the hood than an sr20det, if you know wat i mean?
  12. m_power

    e30 turbo

    But i still want to keep the original m20 engine, to keep it "like" a original bmw.
  13. m_power

    e30 turbo

    I was just woundering how much it cost to turbo an e30 325. Of course this is a distance future thing for me but just wanted to get a rough idea of the cost involved. I was thinking of using a skyline rb25 turbo and intercooler, custom manifold etc...so wat is the cheapest way to do this, and to get reliable horsepower, i was thinking of around the 280bhp mark?
  14. Did u actually paint the parcel tray or dye it?
  15. Somebody buy my vespa, heres the link http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=83713256. Have to sell it due to my 325 project.
  16. I payed $3000 for my 316, but its a manual...but then ofcourse i spent $$$ on it(lowering springs, bottle caps)
  17. my dad does have a e46 320, heres the link http://www.kendobsonmotors.co.nz/compact.php its 5th one down, its real mint, have a look
  18. My mums old 330 motor sport came from japan with leather done, cost around $4000 kiwi we worked out, still worth it, i can get pics for you tomorrow for the cars, the 330 i is $30 000 and it 330 motor sport is $32 000, my choice would be pay the extra 2k for the motor sport...
  19. we have two e46 sedans, one is red and its a 330 motor sport(no leather) the other is black its a 330 i with m3 wheels.
  20. another mod should be to de-badge it, i did it to mine looks more clean and people dont know its a 316 from 1st look...
  21. m_power

    2002 turbo

    This is the guy that sold me my 325 e30, that 2002 is a mint as car, stated it up for me and it was silent, as grant said if i had 50k in my pocket i would consider this. great car!!!
  22. m_power

    e30 wheels

    So do you have any contact details-phone number- that i can call you to organise time and place...skidz
  23. m_power

    e30 wheels

    Yep deal, if you agree...
  24. m_power

    e30 wheels

    hmmmm.....would you take $180? just for the rims?
  25. m_power

    e30 wheels

    Ok, and is that with or with out tyers?
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