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Everything posted by opelmantagsi

  1. wont have nay issues in the welding / fabrication dept, I have all they gear here. know how / where to get a new laser cut header flange so could make up custom headers if I had too.
  2. thanks for the input, not too worried about the wiring side of it, think I have that sussed. just getting conflicting info on what the engine fitting problems are. pretty sure am M42 will bolt up to the manual gear box thats in the car realise some parts need to be swapped over from the M40 to M42 the M40 engine is still running, decided to let it die a natural death, in the meantime get all the bits ready for this conversion. have a lot of other stuff to sort out as well but this will be the major task out of them all. Well worth doing in my opinion, shame they build the M40 engine to start with
  3. thanks for that, just bought a book in from the UK called BMW E30-3 Series Restoration Bible: A Practical Manual Including Advice on Buying a Good Used Model for Restoration (Brooklands Books) (Paperback) reading that it might not be such a biggie, well worth a read if your into that kind of stuff. just trying not to reinvent the wheel so to speak, will let the M40 die a natural death then rip it out. got plenty of other stuff to do as well, but car is in ok nick for the money we paid for it
  4. I like 80's cars. Opel Manta E30 BMW 2 door manual got a vauxhall chevette in the shed too, know what they are?
  5. here you go, this is the red one, I had a silver one thats been used as a donor. the red one is about to under go a full restoration and be transformed from a base GT model to a GSi
  6. looking to remove the M40 motor and replace with a M42 or M43 whatever I can get my hands on to keep the process simple. would appreciate advise on this as I am hoping its a straight bolt up to the manual gear box. want to stick with the 4 cylinder 318 rather than move towards 6 cylinders. guessing I need to find a complete motor with ECU. not sure if these have a seperate wirning loom just for the ECU or if the M40 loom will be ok? anything else I need to know before I get too carried away? cheers
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