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Posts posted by dickhead

  1. Honestly, does it really matter that much?

    You have way to much time on your hands mate.


    Looks like you're the one with too much time, if you feel the need to make stupid comments like that. It may not be of importance to you, but some of us take issues like this seriously, as we enjoy living in a reasonably liberal society, and wish to protect it.

  2. Loving the misinformation being touted as fact by the armchair experts.

    Mate it's the internet, not a courtroom, who are you to judge who's an armchair expert? If you know some vital piece of info, why don't you share it? Instead of making silly smug comments like that.

  3. This site is full of sarcastic wankers who are totally unhelpful and rude. "If you don't speed you won't get caught" is such a cop-out, you might as well surrender all your civil liberties under the banner of "if you've got nothing to hide..." blah blah

  4. I say if you don't already have good contacts and experience, avoid it. Chances are you will probably be the one getting ripped off.

    Ripped off in the sense that the products will be crap? Or literally ripped off as in they keep the money without sending anything?

  5. I'm thinking of importing some products from China to sell on, hopefully at a profit. Basically I have decided on a product and have found a source but am unsure as to how I should proceed from here ie how much of the shipping I will have to organise etc. I have little knowledge in the area but am keen to learn. Nothing I have found online has given me any helpful advice, so I thought I would ask here. Is there anything I should know or consider before starting out? Any help would be appreciated.

  6. Give the Police guns and I could just about guarantee that petty crime will go down. Stop being so P.C NZ.

    I could just about guarantee it wouldn't. Who does the "PC" culture actually hurt? I don't think we are very PC anyhow, just look at the justice laws being pushed throug parliament in the last year.

  7. I think you should pay your mates fines aswell, here's a message for all, if in trouble with police SAY NOTHING, that's right, NOTHING. Don't explain yourself, don't water down what you were doing. Let a lawyer do that later on.

    Why did you tell on your mate? Did you expect leniency? It certainly wasn't going to help either of you.

  8. I do 100kph in the fast lane of the motorway all the time.

    The speed limit is 100kph and if there are no emergency vehicles trying to get past then i aint moving over.

    F*ck the lot of ya. :lol:

    It's funny how you are constantly complaining about people annoying you in this forum, and how you think it's all "too PC" to punish them "properly" but then boast about being a right wanker on the motorway, just because you can. Bit hypocritical really. By your own standards you need your ass kicked.

  9. I am copying it

    to our Law and Order spokesperson Hon Clayton Cosgrove and our Justice

    Spokesperson Charles Chauvel MP, for their consideration. You raise in

    my view important principles of due process. It highlights a major risk

    around the "boy racer" legislation."

    Clayton Cosgrove was the sh*t kicker who thought up these stupid laws in the first place. In CHCH they banned people driving around the city. It's funny. middle-aged, middle-class people don't seem to mind "political correctness gone mad" if it doesn't affect them.

  10. Simple; the lower it is, the better it looks. It's nothing new. Hence the popularity of "lowriders" etc. If you think it's just misguided youth wanting their cars to be touching the ground, you're wrong. Check out any hotrod club or whatever.

    IMO the car doesn't appeal whatsoever unless it has been lowered heavily

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