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About FallenOneGee

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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  • Location
    Manurewa, SOUTH SIDE!
  • Car
    BMW 730iL

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  1. Also another quick question if someone can answer. I have a 730iL and I see all this e30, e38 blahblah. What would mine come under? Or is it only called 7 series/730 etc.. Sorry for the dum questions
  2. Hmph. Figured as much. But even with my maori-fied job ( Yip I'm maori haha ) Will it cost extra for them to fix it up etc..
  3. Oh no sorry. Would love to have that number plate though :L My gaming name lol. XLAN and all :L
  4. I've been looking on this forum + Google for a few hours now ( sorry if I've some how missed it, or its a dum question/s) Okay here is the problem: Quite long I know sorry. The more info the more someone could help I'm thinking I have a 730iL 1995, Just got it a few weeks back now and didn't like the CD player, Wanted USB/iPod etc. So went and brought a new headunit with USB etc. I took out the stock Headunit thingy with an allen key on both sides of it lol. (There is also a the little unit next to what was the stock radio, which had the EQ kind of stuff in it the last time I used it and also below them both is the long unit which displays the time, and what was on the radio, CD, etc) Not sure what they called, but hope that helped. I've distinguished what was the CD changer cable, quite a flash looking thing. Also the aerial for the radio part. I cut the wires for what I pulled out that were for it, because the wiring harness from BMW didn't match the CD Player etc. (BMW has a weird one btw :L) and I managed to find the power, negative, and whatever else wires needed it for it to power the new headunit. So it turns on and all now. But it's forever on. Meaning to turn off the new headunit I need to eject the faceplate, to turn it on just put it back on. ( Regardless of the ignitions state ). Which I know is wrong ( So any help as to finding the ignition wire would be greatly appreciated ). However, I tried forever trying to find where the speaker wires were with the remaining cables. I know the head units cables are working because now atm I have 2 6x9's sitting on the floor at the back of the front seats as my sound as I just got extra long cables and went through the back to the head unit ( very messy job I know ) but that's how I have been listening to my new headunit these past few days, NOT with the stock/standard 2 front, 2 rear speakers... So could anyone help me with wiring my stock/standard speakers up to the new headunit... There is still a few cords left over not doing anything as I do not know where they go too.. Does anyone know the colour codes of the wires for the speakers and so forth, or any diagrams.. I have downloaded over a dozen online but all seem to be for something totally different then the stereo wiring side. HELP! PLEEEASEE! THANKS AGAIN!!
  5. Hey I'm New too. I own a BMW 730iL. My 2nd ever car. Got it for my 21st birthday (Thanks to my dad lol) New love for BMW's now :L
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