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Everything posted by wstbrn

  1. i get your point but buying a car at 200000km would be asking for it wouldnt it? i have always been told to look around 120000km at the most, are the e46 that reliable at that amount of kms even with a good service hostory?
  2. the gf is putting the pressure on to lower my budget but that would put me down to the 318ci dont think i can do that not after what everyone has said edit: same look but no power
  3. yea i was looking at that one not sure on the colour but it is differnet to the normal black or grey, wish i was good at photoshop to see what it would look like with some nicer rims
  4. wstbrn

    My E46 build

    what dtd it sell for ?
  5. Also what kind of kms shud i be looking at obviously the lower the better, but at what km range do they start running into problems and becoming expensive to run. ill probly be looking in the 80000km to 120000km, around $9000 to $12000 is about my price range. mite find it hard getting a hold of a decent 330ci for that. thanks for the info so far
  6. thats good to know hadnt thought of that
  7. haha i have been looking at yours on trade me sadly i wont be ready to buy for another month or so yet
  8. Hey everyone just signed up today looking at getting a BMW so thought I would join up and find out some extra info and some advice. I’m looking at getting an e46 330ci or 328ci around a 2002 model, I have heard the e46 have some sub frame problems is that a big thing here in nz or more of an overseas problem? Is it worth buying a Manuel or is the tiptronic alright in terms or reliability and driveability Any other info or problems to look to out for when buying would be appreciated
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