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Posts posted by Shemy

  1. I've got a 1989 BMW E30 325I with an M20 engine in, the AC doesn't have a belt on at the minute. Does anyone know the size of the belt? I've got two sizes but I'm not sure which one...

    12.5 x 810 - P/N 64521706826


    12.5 x 823 KLIMA P/N 64551722990

    Anyone got an idea on which one to get?


  2. Ok so after leaving it last night I eft the car until 4pm today without trying it, I tried it again and had no hope, tried it for a second time and it didn't start but after 5 seconds of holding the starter motor started! The car eventually started but it was very rough running and the radiator fan was on too....give it a few revs and it was idling funny, once it was warm this idling trouble stopped and everytime I pushed the accelerator it revved fine....Ggive the car a blast for 45minutes turned it off and now it won't start again....

    Any ideas?


  3. I know it's been covered a few times but I'm not sure where it stands!

    Went to start the car at 7am this morning, very cold day and it started but it was rough running in park. Once I stuck it in drive it was totally fine....

    I then went to start it later on, turned it all the way and nothing happened, did it again and it started after a couple of seconds of doing nothing...

    I then went to start it tonight and nothing happened, all electrics come on but no sign of the starter motor moving...

    Any ideas?

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