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About bernardhunter

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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  • Name
    Bernard Hunter
  • Car
    320i (2005)
  1. It's all in the timing eh... Hope all goes well for you in Vancouver - it's a beautiful city! cheers, Bernard
  2. Hi everyone: this is a crazy longshot, but you never know........ I am moving back to NZ in January (2013) from Toronto, Canada. Unfortunately I can't bring my car with me as it's left-hand drive. Rather than selling it for a crap price here and then having to pay a premium back in NZ I am wondering if there is anyone who might be in an opposite situation to me and might be open to talking about a possible "swap". I have a 2005 320i (manual) with 109k on the clock - great car (but then you would expect me to say that anyway I know it's a longshot and there are more questions than answers at the moment, but if anyone is interested please send me an email at [email protected] cheers, Bernard
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