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About vonn

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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  • Name
    Vonn Ryan
  • Car
    BMW 320i
  1. Hi, Thanks for all your advice and help.. my bmw is now fix and i already got an insurance.. cheers!
  2. Thanks.. do you have any idea how much it will cost for the replacement of the window? and another thing that bothers me is that, along with the key are my personal belongings which includes my wallet and i have my home address written in it. is there a way to reprogram the keys? luckily they didnt notice the spare key inside my bag. thanks! I am just new here in NZ and i really don't know what to do now, my mind is really puzzled. thanks a lot!
  3. HI, Someone broke to my BMW 320i and smashed my rear right passenger window and took all our items including my spare key. i purchased the car just a week ago and i haven't insured it yet. I just got here in NZ last March and currently I am a student. Is there a way where i can have another spare key? Do you know how and where can i possibly have my window replaced? here is the photo https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hpho...729635124_n.jpg
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