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Everything posted by H4RDUP

  1. As I said I received INCORRECT information from 4 (read 4 as in FOUR not just one or two members but FOUR!) separate members of Police. No matter how much I argued with them they appeared to always be CORRECT. So you work it out buddy! If members of Police can't give correct information they shouldn't be giving that information in the first place. They issue infringements based on legislation and if they don't understand the legislation in the first instance then how can it even be fair to receive an incorrect infringement? You tell me! If you read my post you would have seen that I am returning to Australia PRIOR to being legally required to obtain an NZ licence. So why in the hell would I even consider obtaining one? I have been, and continue, driving in NZ well within the legislation. I was not looking for a sympathy vote by putting my 2 cents worth into this discussion, merely stating a scenario that developed as a result of not having an NZ licence in NZ! I had thought it was relevant and may have been of interest to the original poster.
  2. I was pulled up a few weeks ago speeding and the police took me by total surprise when they essentially banned me from driving on NZ roads until I obtained an NZ licence. I was born here but have never had nor attempted to obtain a licence here as I moved to Oz before I could legally obtain any licence. I returned on holidays many times before returning semi permanently just under a year ago. Now, obviously I checked the rules before moving here and also saw that one can legally drive on any overseas licence that is current for a period not exceeding 12 months from ones last entry into NZ. So I knew that I was ok to drive until 12 months were up. That was until the Police had other ideas after contacting Immigration (at 5.30am mind you!) and told me I had been in the country since 1994! So on went the argument with me saying I had not been in NZ for 12 months continuously and him saying I had been here since 1994. So he still ordered me off the road assuming I had been unlicensed since 1994 but somehow didn't issue me with the applicable $400 fine (even though as I say that they think I had been in NZ since 1994 and unlicensed for 13 odd years!) just the record on the database of "forbidden to drive until NZ licence obtained". So I promptly got chauffered to the local Police station to complain and present them in black and white the same LTSA factsheet mentioned above only to have them say that I was not correct even though it was all stated right in front of them! So I continued to get chauffered around at great inconvenience and cost as I deemed it too risky driving my $40K BMW around with thought if I was discovered again then it moves up to the next level of my car being impounded for 28 days on the kerbside and then a possible fine of $1000 and/or a summons to appear in court! This argument went on for another 4 days back and forth between LTSA, Police stations, Police Infrigement Bureau and NZ immigration etc...so after nearly 10 hours (no joke!) of my time I finally cleared my name and subsequently made a complaint about the issuing officer - which has since been fobbed off as being an error "in good faith" but never mind my inconvenience and lost time! Now I carry with me a photocopy of my Passport, Oz drivers licence and LTSA factsheet to hopefully ensure I don't go through this again! I have until November before my current 12 months runs out as I went back to Oz briefly in November last year and don't plan on EVER getting an NZ licence now after all this has happened as I will be back in Oz for good by then. So, if you do intend to stay a while then my advice is to get an NZ licence. Otherwise, if you are here only semi permanently like me then photocopy your Passport showing your last exit from NZ (Police will stupidly ask for an entry stamp even though I continually told them that NZ immigration don't stamp it on arrival!) and your overseas licence and the LTSA factsheet and carry it with you. End of my rant on guilty until proved innocent. Trust level of Police in general now dropped to NIL after being given incorrect information from 4 separate members of Police...
  3. H4RDUP

    330Ci M Sport

    I accepted $900 less than my advertised price...and sold it with 95K on the clock in the end!
  4. H4RDUP

    E46 foglights

    Cheapest place ot get them is off Ebay from Europe. From BMW they are about $300 per side.
  5. H4RDUP

    330Ci M Sport

    Car has now been sold, thanks.
  6. H4RDUP

    330Ci M Sport

    Just seen on Trade Me someone with a 2001 323Ci (although I thought the very last 323Cis were 2000 models so may actually be a 325Ci) in manual with slightly lower Kms and non original sedan style M Sport bumpers, no sunroof etc for $43K so surely mine can't seem overpriced with that competition.
  7. H4RDUP

    330Ci M Sport

    Not desperate enough to go $1 reserve just yet! So for $6000 you could drive your car in as an auto and back out as a manual with all labour included? If so, I wish I had've investigated that before buying mine as it would've been far easier than finding on in manual to begin with. I even had an auto 330Ci to change to manual prior to this car and never thought of even finding out about it. I'm surprised you think that a manual coupe may be worth $5-8K more as I figured it may be worth say up to $5K more than a similar spec auto. But, yes it may be the mileage that puts some off. I still think with M Sport package, sunroof, DSC, HK etc that I can't be too far from the mark. I struggle to see how it can only be worth $30-35K when 325Cis are advertised for that - without any options at all. My only real concern is that as I continue to rack up the mileage to the tune of around 600 kms per week, the value will keep dropping... In the end I guess I'll just need to sit it out. BTW: Hybrid, I'm pretty sure I've seen your 330 in the city a while back and it certainly caught my eye as very few people seem to mod e46s here.
  8. H4RDUP

    330Ci M Sport

    Yeah I dunno either about its real price but I am negotiable and I'd rather reduce the price progressively than sell it too quick if it was too cheap. This initial price drop was largely due to me also seeing like you have that M3s have dropped below $60K now. Where I came from (Australia) my car would easily sell for $55000 Aus! I'm really banking on another enthusiast longing for the manual gearbox which seem to be very thin on the ground here. I see other 330Cis advertised privately for over $50K that are also NZ New but they do have less mileage. I don't know why there is such an issue with mileage affecting the price here - maybe due to the low mileage imports that come flooding in that are probably wound back in alot of cases or low mileage done in mainly stop start traffic. Back in Australia I have seen 330Cis with 200000klms advertised for $38000 Aus - admittedly I don't know what they sold for though...Looks like I may have to take it back to Australia with me then. I have had a couple of calls from the ad (when it was still at $43900!) but they appeared to just be tyre kickers. What's this $6000 for manual new from BMW? Is that a retrofit kit including all new parts to convert from Auto to manual or something else? Hybrid - Has yours got a few options fitted too for that price you paid? I'm assuming it's NZ New but an auto right? Surely I am correct in saying that the coupes also command a higher price than sedans?
  9. H4RDUP

    330Ci M Sport

    [Edit] Price lowered. Any E46 enthusiasts out there looking for a manual 330?
  10. H4RDUP

    330Ci M Sport

    With M Sport Package II, Sunroof, Harmon Kardon, No Woodgrain and most importantly in 5 speed manual...Price $41900 http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=96937251
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