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Everything posted by tonyfury

  1. Thanks for the comments. So what do people think about the insurance company ownership? I'm assuming that means its been written off. Is that likely to be the case? But then some one must have stumped up with the cash to fix it cos there are no obvious signs of damage.
  2. I spotted a '94 E36 M3 for sale the other day. Took it for a test drive this morning and was suitably impressed! I asked the dealer about previous owners and he produced the ownership history. I was somewhat disturbed to notice that back in about 2000 it had been "owned" by New Zealand Insurance! I'm assuming this means its been written off, but I could be wrong. It was really straight - no obvious signs of repairs but then again I didn't get to look underneath and I'm not familiar with how things should be under the bonnet - I'm new to BMWs. I'm curious if anyone knows anything about this car. It's in Chch. Here's the trademe link: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.as...&key=222210 I'm interested to know what people think about the price too. Thanks.
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