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Posts posted by Beemagirl

  1. I'm after mechanics support please 

    Bmw 318ti 99 

    At the end of may , during a service at my regular mechanic
    Mechanic called me with some bad news to please come a look at car whilst on hoist
    He's pointed out to me , the few drips of green radiator fluid at the bottom right hand side of engine , and has suggested it's a blown head gasket , Daniel suggest finding a suitable repairer
    I've called my Janssen break down insurance
    They have suggested an auto electrical out west
    service manager has noted down on my original receipt-customer thinks head gasket -checked elsewhere

    He has then called me a week later and to my surprise I was told it's the radiator that needs replacing. ( I nor my mechanic ever thought there was an issue with the radiator-eg no over heating , no large filling of resoivoir
    The only test performed was a TK test-results performed well
    I've ok the repair , and car returned to me 9 June
    Janssen has paid for that .I paid the excess

    3 months later the car has broken down , been towed back to auto repair  , then diagnosed with a cracked head .
    The k's that were done in 3 months were 1900
    This car is surplus to use , we have a main car
    And I work from home
    The trips the car did was two small trips per week for 3 months , North Shore 60 km return and west auck 40 km return

    my original mechanic although he did not officially diagnose the car as having head gasket problems , he did suggest I get it repaired.
    He also says the two tests usually done to diagnose head gaskets , would not have picked this up , due to its placement and minor leak .
    He wishes the car had been put on hoist
    And a visual test done .
    He's disappointed it was missed.


    In short , the repairer refuses to take any responsibility 

    And I'm in for a 2.5-3k repair

    What tests would you have performed , especially if the car was bought to you with the knowledge it had a head gasket issue ???

    Any suggestions what to do now ??


    Thank you thank you 

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