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Everything posted by mikep

  1. mikep


    blue drivers seat e30 ace lift please have money thanks
  2. mikep

    89 fl e30

    hay lokin at sum 17 deizels 25 ofset seven inch 215 40 17 will there be fitment problems have bc suspension so like the wheels plz help me people of great wisdom cherse
  3. mikep

    help please

    have 96 323 i and lost the keys how do i go about geting a key code has it a transponder type key any help will be great a bit lost on it thanks heaps
  4. mikep


    on the right hand lower front of the cluster is a littel box with numbas on plz what dose this do i have a 89 fl 325 2 door
  5. mikep

    e30 m20 2,5

    could sum one tell me how tight u do them to have new studs
  6. if any one has sum or info would be a big plus ausum forum lots of amazing tec people thks lots
  7. mikep


    loking to purchase header for 89 e30 rhd coupe plz fokes prferably long branch ones
  8. mikep

    FS: 16x10 BBS RS

    im keen were are u
  9. have seen pics of face lift cars with a bigger lower lip fited are these obtainable and were from please u guys rock u know so much bout the e30 help much apecated
  10. mikep

    89 325

    im lokin for me flasher can the hazads dont go nore the indercaters please could sum one advise me were to find the flasher units location please go the bmw
  11. mikep

    m52u 2.8 crank

    how much and would sum one have one
  12. mikep

    please help

    has the engine with the number 25-6e got flat top pistons the head with numbers 705 855 any good or is the 731 a beter option any help would be real good thank its all a bit new to me been geting sum flack from the nob polishers i was born with this condition my perents were on lsd in the 60s the dock recons thanks
  13. mikep

    please help

    have just got a motor for the e30 the engine nubas is 25 6e the heads 705 885 has bthis motor flat tops havnt striped it as of now wudering if its worth it would it work beter with a 731 head which i have i know it probly been asked alto before butt would like to know thanks heaps
  14. have a f/l e30 has a 2.5 motor and 5 speed what is the highes ratio poable to fit and the avalibilty of the diff and help would be nice please
  15. okie mike i apoligise for my limited education i blame it on so called free education but thanks heaps was just wondering if it a simple unplug and reasmble
  16. have bought a 89fl 318 coup and have a 325 manual 89 four door would like to put the 325 and manual in the 318 is it a big hastel to change the eletricks the 318 is mint and wouyld be worthy of sum efort any imput would be awsum thanks
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