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Posts posted by Simo

  1. The Top 10:

    1. Nissan Silvia

    2. Subaru Impreza

    3. Nissan Skyline

    4. Subaru Legacy

    5. Mitsubishi Legnum

    6. Honda Integra

    7. Subaru Forester

    8. Mazda Lantis

    9. Honda Prelude

    10. Mazda Familia

    Just gotta have a BMW, you now know why you pay a little more, after 67% of nicked vehicles have NO security in the vehicle at all. Back as far as 1992, the E36 had immoblisers in them.

  2. The Japanese imported E36's with the M50 and M52 engines + 5 speed auto have a JATCO transmission, basically its rubbish and made for Nissans, I used to have one of these cars, the car ended up having a nasty jerk when changing from 1st to 2nd and sometimes the tranmission went into fail safe mode on me also.

    If you get one in auto it needs to have the ZF transmission.

    I now have 2x E30's instead of the E36, so it looks like we are total opposites :)

    Driving wise, the E36 is of course a more refined car, its also alot heavier, I found mine rather boat like to be honest, however it had 130,000ks on the clock and original suspension, the M SPEC ones have harder suspension and should handle better, they also have nicer more supportive seats in them.

    from memory the 318IS has the normal 4 speed ZF auto, even in Jap import form, its not a super fast car or anything, but in 2dr Coupe motorsport trim form they might be nice to drive handling wise.

    I have 1994 E36 imported from Hongkong with its manufacture showing on REAL OEM as Europe, is it likely to have the Jatco or ZF transmission, by the way, so far its smooth as no problem since purchase. how can I check, is there a serial# on the casing etc?

  3. They're part of Retro.

    With some trim from Reid & Twiname, I fixed the convertible back window, took 4 hours of feeding the lining into the trim, looks great and is better that the original due to the shape of the trim profile. Just fixing the internal lining in the rear section in the top of the back window velcroed and its all finished. Howeever Murphy always interferes, the drive home, just go off the mo'way, and it "the engine" just stops dead, restart just splutted and stopped, fuel line, fuel filters, fuel pump or the whole lot. - Hate driving in tow trucks, as there is an inevitiblity where the buck stops - just in front of the EFTPOS terminal...

  4. Contacted Retro Vehicle Enhancements?

    Thanks for the info, I went to see these guys, spoke to Simon who advised on completely replacing the back window.......cost..... well call it a quite few hundies, so I have continued the search for the trim, Reid & Twiname in Penrose have the right trim and will get this tomorrow. With some assistance from wanabe BMW driver (16 year son) & some Superglue Gel, I think I might have solved the problem. Thanks for the referral, although it didnt work out I appreciate your help

  5. Having trouble locating an auto trim wholesaler so I can get some roof trim parts, anyone know of a company I can contact? Having made inquires at a couple of car upholsteriers, they want to replace the window....and dry clean the wallet as usual, the windows fine just needs the strip. So, I need the vinyl/rubber strip that runs around the exterior of the rear window. Also an interior part that holds the lining to the rear part of the frame, its a clip-on plastic tube that holds the tension in the lining evenly across the roof. Thanks in advance

  6. Maybe it is the old geezer in me but I am a little tired of the 4" downpipes on evo's and WRX's passing the house at 2am. As long as they aren't too pedantic and allow some scope for sensible aftermarket exhausts I support the change.

    Show me a "sensible" bureaucrat in this current government, and they will show an exhaust that looks like a Huntly Power Station chimney! :lol:

  7. Road tax to double for one million car owners

    By Robert Winnett, Deputy Political Editor

    Last Updated: 9:01pm BST 12/07/2008

    "More than one million owners of older cars will see their road tax double over the next two years under the Government's controversial "green" car tax reforms. New tax bands for every make and model

    Official figures, obtained by The Daily Telegraph, disclose that 1.1 million motorists who bought their cars between 2001 and 2006 will pay more than £400 annually in duty - compared to £210 or less now. Another one million drivers of older vehicles are estimated to be facing a 50 per cent increase in their road tax bills".

    The increases will be phased in with the tax on the higher polluting cars rising to £300 next year and then £430 or £455 in 2010.

    Drivers have been warned that many older vehicles would become virtually worthless following the changes to vehicle excise duty (VED), which are due to be introduced over the next two years.

    The AA estimated that the increased VED for higher polluting vehicles purchased after 2001 would make those valued at between £750 and £2,100 "almost impossible" to sell.

    The latest figures on the impact of the plans were disclosed by the Treasury in response to questions from the Conservatives. They followed the release earlier this week of figures showing that a total of nine million motorists would pay higher rates of vehicle excise duty under the proposed changes."

    Just watch this government, if it retains office this year, do the same thing that Gorddie "Suckhole" Brown is proposing in the UK, your BMW if its pre 2001 will halve in value if your lucky. Its the biggest full frontal assault on motor vehicle owners, and yea its about tax again and nothing to do with the warmist's bullshit.

  8. The total taxes in each litre is close to a $1 in the $2.10 91 unleaded price in AK at the moment, why dont petrol stations advertise the price on the boards outside the station, and then say plus tax, so the NZ consumer can really see where the rort is taking place. A thread a few back mentioned that the Marsden Refinery was given to the oil companies way back, well tucked into the taxes and levies is a Marsden Refinery levy that we are still paying for, talk about double dipping the NZ motorists.......... :lol:

  9. "As for the traffic lights, if they can catch people doing something dangerous and make money off it then I say go for it. As long as the money goes back into the system to improve public transport or something."

    Not bloody likely mate, those scabs at the ACC & ARC will fill their pockets, they can't help themselves when they see nice little earners like this held in front of their noses

  10. The thing is this "fix" make the system think there is always someone in the passenger seat so the air bag will go off even if there is no-one in the seat. I think this is OK and the sparky, who by the way is an avid BMW fan, thinks it is one of the better ways to fix and yes I could buy a new sensor and have it fitted but the next time someone kneels on the front seat to reach something in the back the sensor will get crushed again.

    So tell me how much do the sensors cost, that is a BMW OE part not one of the bits from china.

    Owning two Suzuki Swift vehicles for business, the airbag technology in these vehicles presumes the passenger seat is occupied, its part of the IC logic that doesnt require sensors that are damaged so easily. Now you must ask the question why didnt they (Suzuki) follow the example of the earlier SRS technology and locate the sensors in the seats. Telling the SRS techology in the BMW that the seat is always occupied, has to be the path that future BMW's took as well. To mod the SRS sensor to do this was a mod that BMW didnt get around to releasing in their vehicles until 1998, (stand to be corrected on that). To have my kids break it again, the electronic sensor bypass solution would have happened anyway, I'm just sorting what BMW knew they should have done in designing and implementing this new technology. By the way, I rebuilt desmo valve design in the older Ducati's by using shims under the opening valve caps, was never in the Ducati manual, it worked a treat, got an extra 10,000kms out of the clearances, hence less servicing work, yep could of flown to bits, but never missed a beat. Taking a risk to improve whats there, is constructive innovation.

  11. All fixed, a Westie auto electrician sorted it by some techo magic, and yes, the diagnostics from McMillians stated seat mat sensor, presumption it was the drivers side on my part, new part from Pelicans is $US109.25, still may need this if light comes on again. The westie sparkie said that this is a common problem in older E36's, and the solution was referred to back a few threads, the sensor mat is bypassed and the airbag will activate under normal driving conditions.

  12. Sorry, but the only right thing you said here was: "Best bet is to get it on a diagnostic machine and go from there."



    Thanks Glenn, got McMillans to run the diagnostics on the car, found the drivers seat mat sensor faulty, got quoted some telephone numbers to fix though, so considering the options, any suggestions would be appreciated

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