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Posts posted by matwithe30

  1. hey all, ive got a mate who has just started up a new website, www.720.co.nz. its all about extreme sports, its only pretty new so just spreading the word.

    when you sign up you are in the draw to win a vans prize pack, (shoes, shirt and cap) and there are always prizes going and stuff.

    It has forums and stuff like that so if you get a chance, take a look and maybe sign up, who knows, the prizes could be all yours!!!!

    cheers guys

  2. hey all, im looking for a friend for a 1995 boot lid for a 318ti in (im not sure of the colour) i think its artic blue or alaskan blue?? id like it to have the badges but not 100% essential

    any colours will be considered obviously but the above will match the car now...

    also the bmw badge for the bonnet

    anybody have any of these? and the prices you are looking for them?



    picture is the colour i need


  3. hey all, ive been round for a while with a damaged bm, so thought id fill you in on my latest and greatest achievment.

    a 1990 3.20i with 200,000 on the clock, tints, lowered good stereo, wof and rego...

    FOR $700!!!!!

    well i was wrapped!

    pics will follow, just thought id fill ya'll in haha

    oh...and its black

  4. May I ask what your motivation is for joining the force?

    well at the moment, i work at a desk job and hate not having the variety in a day. i used to work for a builder and didnt like the outdoors. so basically i needed the happy medium.

    secondly, compared to most jobs out there, you start on a healthy wage, and move up.

    thirdly, i want to get into dog handling

    so those are pretty much my main reasons.

    also the ability to help people. and to prove that to car people that all police are not twats. like i at one time did believe

  5. Go Hard Man.

    My Uncle is in the Hamilton CIB and he loves it.

    Have you had a ticket in the last 12months? You need 12months ticket free I beleive to apply.

    that rolls by in just over a month, so thats when i can formally aplly haha

  6. I was an officer in the navy. Now the military tests are easier than the police one. I was thinking about going to the police and passed all the tests to start and got accepted into the college but I bought a bussiness instead.

    But the written tests and stuff are a piece of piss to pass. for the personality test just be honest and answer in the context of what your job is going to be, ie. a police officer.

    the fitness test is just a grip test, easy. then is 30 pres ups and a run of 2.4km in 10 mins 54 seconds.

    for swimming all I can say is it is pretty straight forward but just go and practice. you need to float for 5 minutes. to me its not the easiest thing. If there is anything else just PM me I know what the whole thing is all about.

    Just out of interest how old r u?

    in october i will be 21...so sitll a young'un

  7. Don't be a silly billy bing bong.

    I don't think the Government is that dumb...

    im not too sure about that, i mean, annette king managed to put legislation in the same sentence twice the otherday. and aunty helen isnt the most intellegent looking birds about.

    i think its just time for a change.

  8. I've seen a copy of the initial screening exam, and trained with a mate who was training to pass the physical.

    If you are reasonably fit and know how to read and add and subtract, then the initial tests are simple. It's once you are accepted into the training course that it starts to get tougher. My mate changed his mind, so I don't know what the training course is like.

    im pretty fit, i run 5 km twice a day, 50 push ups and 50 sit ups, just trying to make it into this thing. i know i dont have to do this, but if for some reason i dont feel 100% on the day, ive got good training to fall back on. the part i find hard is the swiming...i can swim fine, but not fast

    and as for the reading and maths, im ok, will have to see what else im up against. it kind of sucks when your 17 year old brother is on 40k in the army...

    and im on less...and i finished school

  9. There are countries without welfare systems. They suck.

    Seriously, with no dole (etc) I reckon there'd be a significant increase in crime, etc etc. We need to get people into jobs (perhaps by investing - as a country, all of us - in businesses that create output/exports/etc).

    warehousing jobs, fruit pickers/packers, road workers, lawn mowers in parks etc etc

  10. hey guys, now i know some of you dislike the nz police, but i just have a few questions....

    has anybody ever been one? or atleast completed the training course?

    im trying to join in october intake, but just need some advice.

    if your gunna be nasty, dont even obother leaving a comment

  11. im gunna go with the truckies...im staying out of this argument though

    their standing up for what they think is right...some people do it everytime they want some seabed but some other people cant do it coz they want notice their prices are rising?

    hardly seems fair does it?

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