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Posts posted by emily-mouse

  1. Lol.... I'll keep my mind outa the gutter on this one

    Oh don't put your head in the gutter Uncle Glenn.

    You might bump your head.

    Ouch. :unsure:

    I don't know how you guys sleep naked. Mum always comes into my room every morning and rips off my bedding and tells me to get up.

    I don't think she'd like a nice suprise.

  2. sheesh with all those balnkets its a wonder you can even breath...

    That's why I have my head above the blankets...

    I like sleeping with weight on me.

    I find it difficult to sleep with like one sheet. Or I fly away... I need some weight to hold me down.

    That's what happens to angels. :lol:

  3. I wear PJ's at night... well more a bed shirt and some tights.

    I get cold at night. So I need to wear something under my sheet, 2 woolen blankets, my 2 duvets and 2 polarfleece blankets. No sh*t.

    Oh and I wear underwear. Not a bra though. Boys have no idea how uncomfortable they are to have on lying down.

    Cool thread! Aha.

  4. Mean. My first post that hasn't been closed! Ha. You boys are behaving yourselves. *Pats heads*.

    I gather there are some bogans on here. And gangstas.

    It's okay. I'm allowed to be stereotypical.

    After all...(Natural) Blonde's can say anything right??

    FTPB (PB as in Platnium blondes.)

    Hmmm. Okay. I'll play anything with bass. LOVE at the moment : Rapture - iiO.

    Sing my little heart out to it. Thank god my music is up loud enough so I can't really hear myself. Hehe.

  5. Sounds like there are some Metal lovers... ^_^

    I have 5 that constantly play on repeat. :D

    Cos I'm a complicated female.

    -Lollipop - Lil Wayne

    -Black and Gold - Sam Sparro

    -Rid Wit You - G Unit

    -Bounce (Like Your Ass Had Hiccups) - Timberland

    And my hypo song... Electric Field - MGMT.

    My volume hardly ever leaves home base (or bass hehe) of 30ish.

    ... Unless Mum is in the car.

    ... Or I'm talking to a very important person.

  6. Yeah. A bit of a different question.

    This morning, sitting in my car outside school, stealthly having my fix before school tortures me yet another day, I saw a lady drive past me, as she does every morning in a beautiful and classy Z4 with the same song alllways playing. I don't recognise it. Thank God. Poor BMW. Damaging the ultimate viewing experience for the public by playing an embarrassing old school 80's hit (I'm guessing :huh: ) literally blasting out. Maybe it's her boosting song she repeats on the way to work. Haha. I guess I have one.

    Anyone else??

    I'm really interested to see what people say. :wub:

  7. Haha

    blondes are hot

    Until they crash your car.

    Some females do get confused about which pedal is which.

    Or driving with the handbrake up. :wub:

    Not that i've done that before...

  8. Depends wether you want a performance shock or standard. Monroe shocks will be fine on a 318 and do the job, however they may need to be shortened on your car because its lower= more expense. Is there a "Shock Shop" in TG ??? Try them. Do not use KYB shocks though

    Wouldn't have a clue about if I'd need to get them shortened... as you know my car is lowered with compressed springs.


    Danks Uncle Glennie.

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