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About beema

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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  • Car
    bmw 318i

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  1. hi can you enlarge the piks the terribly smalll good luck with the sale thouugh!
  2. yer im looking for one to stick onto my s38. yes its going into the e30 . hopefully it will fit with only a couple of adjustments and ill be sweeet.
  3. well thanks neways guys. you have been most helpfull. if anyone is selling one or knows of sumone who might have one or can help me more plz be free to post a comment or pm if you want thanks. cheers.
  4. yer thought soo they are rare on their own. i think sum wrecker was gunna charge me neally 2k for one. told him where to go
  5. ahhhhk yer thats right. fer enough then. how much r they going for in nz??/ ive been loooking round but having trouble. wreckers here rip you off.
  6. hi evryone im looking to buy a g280 transmission for my s38! does anyone know how much they roughly go for? or where i could get one thanks. cheers.
  7. yer i know it just came to mind and i thaught id ask how much they are but now that you have told me forget about it. 2000+ can be spent towards the engine side of things! thanks for the site and help
  8. Hi guys Does anyone know if brembo make kits for e30's ??? or is there cars that run the same size rotors and calipers that brembo make for them that i could fit onto my e30?? cheers.
  9. beema

    dog box

    im still going ahead with the turbo, will the standard gearbox be ok if i take care of it?
  10. beema

    dog box

    the car is a replica of the jps from factory.
  11. beema

    dog box

    im new wth the whole bmw thing so i wouldnt know. Is the m10, a type of engine that comes in the e30's? i had mums car saw vids of them and just wanted to start working on it but yer i baught an m3 engine so hopefully im heading in the right direction!
  12. beema

    dog box

    Ive got an m3 engine that im planning on using!
  13. beema

    dog box

    My aim is to get round 400hp from the car. but anything under ill still be happy with.
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