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Posts posted by Abby

  1. hahaha sam I beleive your all talk and no action... I think your going to be sitting at home on valentines playing with yourself and wondering why everyone else is out getting laid  :P  :huh:

    Dont worry buddy, it happens.... :finger:

    Abby, I don't need you to put me down, i've got this gigantic tub of ice cream to do that for me. I eat the pain away, its why i'm fatter than Dave.

    All talk in no action? Ask the bouncers at showgirls... I talked a girl into getting naked in the alley beside it, and was into a taxi shortly after.

    hahaha sure sure

    side note: No one cares. go blow your own horn somewhere else.

    Anyway on topic... I dont have a good woman to go home to...and it breaks my heard every night I tell ya :P

  2. I've never ever had to buy for valentines. Hallmark can blow me.

    But thats not to say I don't have a bit (read: truckloads) of lovin' in my life, and its usually meaningless and I wake up alone, just how i like it.

    Several girls buy me valentines gifts, but i'm sure as hell not reciprocating.

    If you need a reason to affirm your love / financial liquidity, maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship?

    hahaha sam I beleive your all talk and no action... I think your going to be sitting at home on valentines playing with yourself and wondering why everyone else is out getting laid :P:huh:

    Dont worry buddy, it happens.... :finger:

  3. Well, here a few things thats happened to E30's since i've been dealing with them

    Master/Slave Clutch Cylinder (has happened to almost everyone i know with an E30)

    Radiator (also seems common)


    Diffs stuff up.


    Electrical Crap

    Viscous Fans stuff up (not a biggie)

    A/C (but who needs it anyway)

    Alot of easily fixed but pain in the ass stuff quite often happens...

    However you've gotta expect that kinda stuff from cars this old. They are wicked cars once you've sorted all that stuff tho.

    I would go with grant on the colour/wheels as well tho....

    I would say look around HEAPS before you buy one. and the buy now is 5k...I wouldnt ever pay that for it.

  4. Not to bad. its got new shocks which is good because of the 17"s. Not a big fan of the wheels...but thats a personal thing.

    Depends how much you want to spend on it really. I wouldnt pay to much for it straight out because something will always go wrong and you've gotta make sure you wanna put that kinda money into a car like that.. If I could go back I wouldnt buy a 318...because you poor just as much money into them as a 325...only to come out with a 1.8l....

    just my 2c tho.

    good luck with that :D

  5. YAY I finally got my car running again last night, did the master cylinder and gus n dave helped to bleed the clutch...and off I went happiest i've been in a while cos my car was running! WOOHOO

    ....wake up this morning to go to work...and the clutch is totally screwed again! So now its back to the drawing board...presuming its the slave cylinder this time :angry: ...at least it gave me a good hour of driving before it decided to break down this time :banghead: :banghead:

  6. i would have gone for alcoho ,drugs and prostitutes...no particular order.

    hmm im in the same boat a bit..money to spend..dunno what on

    anyone know of a white E46 touring 328+ 2000+ for sale, maybe damaged...no ..me neither...even settle for a sedan....must be white...meh

    you can spend your money on me if ya like...since your not quite sure what to do with it....Im just tryin to help out ya know :D:P

  7. Hey All,

    As some of ya may know my clutch f*cked out on me just before xmas. Wondering if anything (and i know its quite a long shot) has a master clutch cylinder lying around? I dont wanna repair my one, I would like to replace it completly but a new one is to expensive and by rights I should be able to pick a second hand one up cheap enough.

    Thought it was worth a shot :)



  8. Well, my car is now nicely warrented....yesterday, and just in the nick of time, is no longer working. Something's gone wrong with the Clutch Cylinder and there is no pressure engaging the clutch so my car will start but wont go into gear....

    Anyone know of anyone with a second hand Clutch Cylinder that I can buy....

    Im very gutted my car isnt going to be running over xmas...looks like im walking :thumbsdown:

    also, A Viscous Fan (Clutch) In goodish condition would be great....

    heheh...If only my mag hadnt broken and punctured my tyre and cost $300 to repair I would have some money to buy these things new for xmas....its just not my week :P

    Any advice or parts u guys no off would be great tho.

    Hope you all have a good xmas


  9. Well, got the new springs in, and the car sits soooo high now...but if it gets me a warrent then its all good.

    Thanks to grant for letting me use them. I need new shocks so I might get new springs and shocks in the new year and you can have these ones back.

    But I now have a warrentable car to drive over the new year without getting fined. Stoked.

  10. I do still have it...infact I still have the whole transmission. so not sure I Would wanna just take bit and bobs offf it, cos I can more than likely sell the whole thing. I will let u know tho ^_^

    Altho im not the only one on this site who has done the swap...at least 4 other people have in the last year im sure. :wacko:

  11. you've also got to be really really careful about how much it needs done to it after you buy it. You can pick one up that appears in good condition (like mine) and just spend sh*t loads getting it in mint condition. So I would say about $2000 for the car, or less...and just make sure you allow some money if problems come up....because they will :P:P

    I got mine for around $2000 as well and its a 1990 318i was auto (now manual) and its done 150.000km. Hope that helps :)

  12. the starters looked the same....from what i could tell they wouldnt be any different...could be wrong though! not sure on diff ratio as doesnt have  tag....first goes to bout 40...2nd goes to 80ish....makes it quite zippy...its fun!

    you must've been driving a different car!

    the ratio's are so short on the gear box...you could sit in 5th easily in a 50km zone...

    might change the diffs and see how that goes... its still quite zippy but might pay to try anyway. B)

  13. Tints for my back window...or whole car but that would be pushing it!

    New Springs...and shocks...but once again that would be pushing it

    New Front Seats cos mine are fu*ked...or front and back...but that would be pushing it! :P

    My Alarm installed..

    Sub & Amp to go with all my other new sounds to perfect the music situation.

    ooooo and the shelf installed where my glove box used to be for my CD cases.... that would Be WICKED :P:P

    hehe...I dont ask for much right!?! ^_^

  14. oh yeah, thats a good point if your in central auckland. Its more than likely something small like that. But I wouldn't leave it long or it may get bigger...my broken radiator hose managed to turn into a full transmission swap and all sorts of other things. but should be easy enough to fix :D

  15. well, it sounds like your viscous clutch to me, cos I have that same problem. Im getting a complete new one, and fan, and its costing me about $300 but you can sort out cheaper ways of fixing it.

    Take it to bella motors and just ask them to have a quick look at it...they should be able to sort it out quick enough. ^_^

  16. Is it only overheating when your sitting in traffic??

    Maybe you need a new viscous clutch (or coupling) which is connected to your fan... cos I know mine is munted as well and if I sit in traffic to long then my car will overheat...however if im in gear and driving then it wont.

    Im not really to sure about that side of things but it just a suggestion :wacko:

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