Oh We SeEn U dRiVe PaSs BeFoRe It LoOkS GrEaT......LoVe Da pLaTe On It... Is Da pLaTe FoR SaLe?? pM mE If It Is... ThAnkS :thumb:
[translation by *sic] Oh we have seen you driving past before, the car looks great, and i particularly like the personalised plate. By any chance is it for sale at this time? private message me if you would like to discuss this further. [/translation by *sic]
DaYaM.... I LoVe It....I WaNt... ThAtS SuCh A CuTiE CaR PiTtY I JuSt BoUgHt An UgLy SiLvEr OnE 3DaYs AgO......GoOdLuCk WiTh Da SaLe.. i'LL BuY It iF I cAn AfFoRd iT.
[translation by *sic] Damn, I love it, I want it, that is such a cute car. Its a pity i just purchased an ugly silver one 3 days ago. Good luck with the sale, i will buy it if i can afford it, but i cant, so i wont. [/translation by *sic]