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Posts posted by Esky

  1. Hey man, I got a few mates that might be around highbrook etc, I text them all and told them to keep and eye out and gave them your number if that helps

    Thank you a lot Ryan. hopefully it will turn up. . . . . Tell them about the reward as well. Thanks once again.

  2. This happened to me at The Warehouse and it could happen to you.

    Here's how the scam works:

    Two seriously good-looking 18-year-old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping in the boot. They both start wiping your windscreen with a rag and Mr Muscle, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy t-shirts.

    It is impossible not to look. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say 'No' and instead ask you for a ride to another Warehouse.

    You agree and they get in the back seat. On the way, they start having sex with each other. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and performs oral sex on you, while the other one steals your wallet.

    I had my wallet stolen last Saturday, Monday, twice on Wednesday, again on Thursday, and also Today.

    I guess the next Aux meet going to be at Warehouse car park?

  3. Couldnt you have some fun.

    Pride of lions, A few mongies lurking(gd security), P-lab (might attract the wrong attention)lol

    Seriously tho I reckon its a cool idea.

    can do anything you wish.

    Loads of questions so far - but noone bids. Whoever wins the auction going to have the first one in NZ.

  4. Im probably the king critic of 'tack' even if i dont generally open my mouth about it on here, and even then i actually think that these are a cool idea even if a fad....

    The shitty single garage door turned- classic glass panelled sliding door is really cool i reckon! And the jet across 3 doors would be amazing for something like public storage or a commercial building

    Thank you for the kind words sir. . .

    Talking to crown and nat storageat the moment. Would be cool to place on their premices as a promo=)

  5. had same problem while ago. turned up to be an airlock and f#ked viscous clutch. Try bleeding it again, but level the car with front above the rear. rev a bit and keep 2-2.5 rev/min for 30 ish. should be enough to get the air out. . . . and to prevent the tiny leak: 2 options.

    1 . rangi. chuck in some pepper into the coolant.

    2. get the proper sealing liquid.

  6. Ticking from the injectors is normal... knocking isnt

    M50/52 engines dont have adjustable tappets.... hydraulic self adjusting lifters

    The loss of power is probably due to something else.... I suggest you get it scanned

    Thanks for a quick reply Glenn.

    Funny thing is when i put two cars next each other, both m52, coupe sounds 4 times quieter. after ripping the plastic off from sedan, i found that each one of the injectors makes tough ticking noise. and one of the chanels on manifold is colder then the others. thought the injector would be dead?

    sorry for a childish explanation. thats my first experience with something like that =)

  7. Hey guys. time to put my 328i e36 back in shape. Got a few questions:

    1. knocking/ticking noise from injectors = need new injectors? if yes - who should i ask?

    2. Loss of low torque power and rough cold idling - tappets have to be readjusted?

    Any help would greatly appreciated:)

  8. Upgradin my guardian angel to something better. Cant decide wich one to go for:

    1. Valentine1 v1.8

    2. Escort Passport 8500 X50

    3. Any other options below $600?

    4. Anyone selling any second hand ones?

    Edited: +#4

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