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Everything posted by nipe

  1. nipe

    WTB: E30

    Depends on the car really...
  2. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Members/Listings.aspx?member=530703
  3. nipe

    WTB: E30

    Oh and it doesn't matter if it doesn't have sunroof or leather interior or anything, I will change everything anyway, thanks. P.S. Jimmy Appreciated that you offered me your e30, it is a really nice car and i would probably buy it if I had the money, but unfortunately can't afford that at the moment, especially since I wouldn't keep leather interior and some other stuff you had, which would be a shame...
  4. nipe

    WTB: E30

    Well it really only has to be under 1500 with a straight body and driveable, not a piece of junk with bolts that's for sure, that's all i'm looking for in it
  5. nipe

    WTB: E30

    Still looking...
  6. nipe

    WTB: E30

    Hey guys, I'm new here and want to start somewhere I'm looking for a e30, hit me up with what you have, will consider to look at anything has to be quite cheap, preferrably in Christchurch. Thanks in advance!!!
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