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Posts posted by bdogg

  1. I am hoping someone may have an alternator lying around thats in working order they are willing sell of cheaply.


    I broke down in the middle of a busy intersection, not good, the looks, the stares the beeps i got. ouch

  2. ??? sure? it cud b i guess, i thought it waz coz of the uneven circles but lighting cud also b a factor. :banghead: but i mite try and do it with tint wrap, rekn it'd be illegal? (99.9% chance i rekon)

  3. Yesterday me and my cozzy tried to get the old moris minor to start...the interior and exterior are mint but the motors had it... was wondering if theres any option of changing the motor in it? shud i try www.morisminorsport.co.nz although i doubt any moris is sport. The only time u could go fast in it, is when ur going down a hill.

    Anyone have one? i co-own this moris with my coz, he want to put a rotor in it but hes 15 and his comments dont count.

  4. Nah i didnt have it on gus, coz it had a crack on it coz of my dodgy driving... thats when i was gona throw it out... but my car looked so average without it and i used my 'connections' to get it fixed for free:) oh i cleaned my alpinas up with some acid and now they glitter but i've discover that i may have to buy the centre on the net as no has em':( unless some will be generous enuf to give them to me at a gud price:)...since purchasing new speakers today and a head unit... i have 120 for springs... help? 2nd hand even...?

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