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Everything posted by Jammy

  1. Thanks so far for the info'. I guess what I'm curious about is what I can generally expect from this car -- '87, perfect body, just over 100,000 klicks on it... All of these things considered, is it worth it to worry about it being a 22 year old car? I'm not illusioned enough to think I won't have to spend money on maintenance and odd repairs -- in fact, I fully expect to have to do that, and am more than willing. I don't know a lot about this type of car, but, I'v had it out a few times, and I know that I like it a lot, but, something still holds me back.
  2. He wants 4500 dollars, btw.
  3. A mechanic friend of mine is selling this car. Bought it from Japan, and never winter-driven. My mechanic gave it an inspection and test-drive, and said the body is "mint." It only has 109,000 kilometers on it. What is your experience with this model... reliable? PLEASE, help! jim
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