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Posts posted by Penelope

  1. 21a66103865202f9b3c2b879057a66dd.jpg

    They're everywhere... Laguna Blue lol

    ^ that wouldn't be the m3 Penelope bought?

    e30 afternoon at the Albany mall. Saw a sweet lowered coupe which appeared to have flared arches. A diamond schwarz sedan and later on beach rd what looked from the rear to be a tech 2 motorsport in white license b4her or similar.

    Wasn't me, I have a Euro plate.

    I was just saying to Ray last week that I'd love to see a twin... will keep an eye out for this one around the city!

  2. Time to post a intro thread with pics!


    After his date with Sam the Groomer.

    Agree. Such a nice colour LSB. But please don't wrap it in the Croatian flag colours :-P

    Hah imagine the horror!!

    Haha..and I was going to get my e46 race car wrapped in red and white checkers

    If your race car is Croatian blue that might not be terrible. But anything else - questionable!

  3. lol u didnt have the bargaining power becacuse i bet you couldnt keep a poker face once you saw it in real life!!

    the seller didnt need to know that you were so keen on that colour lol.. you could have said that the colour was the 1 thing that you didnt like :P

    The thing is, I have not even seen it in real life yet..!

    I talked to him on the phone a few times and he was so damn nice and I'm just not into lying. Karma and all that.. \

    It's all good, I'm happy with the price.

  4. 'He'd' have to have a German name...

    That's an excellent thought starter, thank you!

    Edit: wow I replied to Pg1 haha

    Congrats with your purchase! Looking forward to more pics.

    I personally don't mind those wheels at all...

    I don't mind the wheels but they're not what I want or I imagine on that car. I'm rather particular about things.... ;)

    A car a he? A Laguna Blue too?


    Even I call my cars shes. And Im a she myself.

    Individuality I guess :P

    Well the M3 isn't exactly a feminine car compared to non-Ms and most other cars. And blue is traditionally a male colour.

    BUT also I'm Croatian and the word for car is of masculine gender in Croatian so it seems natural to me for a car to be male :)

    how much did you end up shell out, if i may ask.

    Close to asking. That colour doesn't come up often and it's specifically what I wanted so didn't have much bargaining power :P

  5. He? Must be Man vs. Lady thing - I always refer to my car's as 'she' :D

    Hah yeah probably.. However I have had one female car before but that was mostly because the name aligned (yes I name my cars..) - it was a Tomcat, Rover parts assembled by Honda so her name was Rhonda! Still trying to figure out what the M3 will be called...

    No worries. Totally understand the OEM preference. Hopefully a set comes your way soon!

    Thanks :)

  6. More tyre choice in 18s if moving away from standard Michelin pas ps2 combos

    In terms of rims Check out lm20 rims. Very nice for the price compared with bbs lm series .

    Btw those factory 19 inch rims weight the same as factory 18s so not too bad for 19.

    Try Apex wheels on the Turner Motorsport website. They're hugely popular in the US and offer a more race focused look than the semi-pimp factory M3 rims

    Thanks guys but OEM 19s only.

  7. those wheels look nice but they're stupidly heavy and imo 18's look better with a decent amount of rubber on it. better handling and more comfort.

    personal preferences though! do what you want its your car! but please bring it to the next meet im dying to see it in real life

    Yeah 18s look just a touch small to me on that car. Not worried about weight, he just needs to look "right".

    Umm.... I dunno, maybe... awkward.

  8. Mission accomplished


    So on it. Thank you! :)

    If you buy those I'd change the Michelins ... he's got Sport Cup on one wheel and Sport Cup+ on another (they are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TYRES) ... that's like mixing slicks with standard road tyres on the same axle ... Naughty!!

    Thanks for pointing that out, he reckons they're track tyres. I'd prefer to buy them without tyres and get new ones on but he's not keen. Those tyres are no good to me, as you said. I guess I'll wait and see, if they don't sell, he might be more open to it later... I'm in no rush.

  9. Congrats. An awesome car for sure and glad to have an LSB in Auckland that I may get the chance to see around!


    I called up on Saturday to head down to look at this - first thing he said was 'Damn, not another female enquirying'

    And then told me it had sold pending confirmation. So congrats :)

    Heh, he's a character! Sorry, but thanks! :D

    He's dropping it off on Saturday. Counting down the minutes.....!!!

    • Like 1

  10. Just an update for all you guys that helped make this happen - closed the deal last night and will be picking the car up in the next few days.

    BMW Tauranga were incredibly thorough and helpful with the inspection and answering all my questions, and apart from a few little bits, the car is in excellent condition.

    Now next mission is to find some OEM 19s..!

    • Like 1

  11. Thanks everyone for your help, really appreciate it!

    Spoke to the seller, lovely man.. Happy to come to Akl or meet half way, hopefully this weekend.

    Also happy to take it somewhere for an inspection so I will get in touch with BMW Tauranga to organise.

    Bonus is that the subframe has already been done (by original owner under warranty apparently) and he'll scan receipts of past services for any of the other high-risk items from the list I'll give him (thanks to you guys!). Apparently he's had it for 4yrs with no trouble and he thinks I'll fall in love with the wheels if I give them a chance. Don't think so!

    I might have accidentally told him this is my dream car so have probably significantly reduced my bargaining power, oops... :)

  12. have seen this in real life many years ago. it was nice back then before it went into hiding somewhere lol.

    you are very very very unlikely to find another lagunca seca blue e46 m3. they are super rare especially in nz.

    get the owner to help out with anything u have to question, but 3 hrs is a long drive unless you're 80% certain you will be buying it.

    Yeah I guess it went into hiding in Te Puke hah!!

    SMG, Vanos and subframe cracks are the big ones for these cars. If they haven't been done already then as above there is every chance they will need to be done soon. Additionally, being an M car instantly means that maintenance items such as brakes are dearer than cooking model BMWs. If you can afford around a grand a year in servicing and general maintenance (excluding the three big ticket items above) then go for it if it all checks out! Looks nice to me and the wheels can always be replaced. Great colour and a great car.


    Got those three things from the brief research I did, fingers crossed some of it has already been replaced but if not, I'll brace myself for it. Any idea what I'd be looking at if none of it has been done? Something like $2k or more like $5k or even crazier? It'll help to get a sense of it so I can weigh up the price etc.

    $1k a year for maintenance is not bad compared to the temperamental POS I drive now..

    I would find a specialist in the area the car is located and have them inspect and scan it.

    Excellent idea. Anyone have any recommendations for contacts near Te Puke?

    Thanks for the tip and seems like a great deal but I'm gonna need 19" for sure ;)

  13. Hi all, just joined to get your expert opinion on this car:


    I have been wanting to get one of these for years and have been looking seriously for a few months now waiting for this exact colour to come up. Apart from the wheels (ugh), it's exactly what I want.

    However, I have zero confidence in my ability to assess whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, or to know what I should be asking and looking for. I don't want to play the "girl" card but what can I say, I prefer to research shoes and cats...

    So, is anyone familiar with this car? Is it worth driving 3hrs to have a look at it and if I do, what do I look for?

    I'm pretty sure these don't come up for sale in Laguna Seca very often so I don't want to miss out and wait another year, but I also don't want a lemon.

    Any and all advice, comments and tips would be very much appreciated.

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