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About puspie

  • Rank
    1st Gear
  • Birthday 04/12/1966

Previous Fields

  • Name
    Gary Niemi
  • Location
  • Car
    2003 530i Touring
  • Car 2
    96 Impreza Gravel Ex
  • Car 3
    95 Delica

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  1. Thanks so much for the info. I've been going to the shock shop on hillside for a few years now. I didn't even think about re-gassing. I've check them out tomorrow.
  2. Ah, yep, search works fine as you say kepes. That goes in the "duh" category after I saw what I was doing. Cheers. Gary
  3. Thanks for the parts tips. I'll definitely check them out.
  4. I finally pulled the trigger and bought my first BMW, a 2003 530i Touring. After test driving a few e39 saloons here in Dunedin, I bought one sight unseen on Trademe. I flew up to Christchurch and drove down on Friday. I have to say it's been many years since I've been able to say, "I love this car", but I really do. I have a couple of questions: 1) Where do you buy parts? The only thing wrong with this car is the tailgate and rear glass struts are a bit tired and droop if you don't pull them up all the way. Should I just order the parts from my local Super Cheap Auto or is there a go-to online store for BMW parts? 2) How do you search this site? Every search I've done ends up with no results, including "e39" and "touring". Looking forward to a long and enjoyable time here. Gary
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