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Posts posted by Syxx

  1. Sounds like it could be a dry solder joint in your head unit or an intermitent channel...more than likely time for a new head unit!

    Though check your head unit on other speakers or use a multimeter to check the channels.

    Headunit along with all the component speakers were only purchased last august, and the cars been off the road for 8 months.

  2. Hey again,

    Window came off the runners the other day, managed to wedge it up a bit but still let in abit of rain, buggered around with it tonight and figured how to get it back on the runners, SORTED. However now when the window winds up instead of going neatly with the seal it heads wing mirror down so that theres a gap at the front and the only way to have it go up right is to bugger around holding the back end of it. So my question is why is it doing this and how do I fix it? Cheers.

  3. So I was sitting there staring at my car the other day and I decided I think there may be some better mags out there for my car. Not sure what I'm after but I do'nt like stupid chromey biscuit rims. Can some photoshop legends slap some decent looking rims on my car for some ideas please? They need to be reasonably large to fill the guards aswell as I really think I need bigger mags than the 18s that are on there just leave a bit to much room.




  4. Right, here's my freaking dilema,

    Driving along the road listening to a bit of 3 days grace, then I hit a bump and the front and rear speakers cut out however my sub is still booming away. NB: None of the speakers are running off an amp just the headunit. Now sometimes another bump may return the audio to its usual working self, sometimes if I slam on the brakes they might pick up again. But lately it's just stopped and I ca'nt get it to go again.

    Now I've pulled the headunit out, re-crimped and insulation taped all the connections from the headunit thinking perhaps a wire had come loose or a crappy connection. Headunit back in, test, fine.

    Driving along again and it's done it all over again.

    Now I never had these issues prior to my car being off the road, the other day I did pull a component speaker out because I was contemplating wiring it up to the crossover and running all 4 speakers off the amp but decided i could'nt be f'd so just put the speaker back in and have had this issue ever since.

    So any idea's on wth the issue could be? Because it's starting to drive me around the freaking bend. Any and all help is GREATLY appreciated.



  5. As per title i'm in need of an e36 headlight switch, needs to be in perfect order as the one i have takes me half an hour to turn the lights off, prefer to buy just the actual headlight switch peice and not the entire air vent as its easy enough to remove just the headlight switch, and for as little as possible, Send me a pm or a text on 027 857 5584; Cheers.


  6. Mate thats some bad luck! sorry to here that. Not a cheap thing to fix. Hopefully it works out for you. I like your car by the way

    Thanks mate; Would be worse if you knew my complete car ownership details ae, I really dont think im ever allowed a nice car, Actual fact is the day I hit the sheep was the day I moved back up to the gore area, and it was a 50/50 chance, as i had contemplated for about an hour whether i should go visit a mate or not, it wasnt until he bribed me with the promise of a set of pioneer competition 6x9s that i decided to go, didnt even get 4km from my house, didnt even get off the straight even...

    And actual fact despite the front kit everywhere i go, everytime i stop, everytime i drive people are complimenting me, trying to get a ride in it, trying to drive it, or just trying to jump my bones coz I own it, depressing thing is alot of people think it gets sideways real easy lol, i guess coz it sounds kinda like an 8, doesnt even sound like a bmw, its violent.

  7. So $2800 for panel work then paint usually $350 for bonnet and each panel you could be up to $4,000.

    Might pay to see what the farmer has to say my friend had the same problem and the farmer said I will fix the car himself???

    Bugger of a situation really, feel for you.

    Im not even sure that $2800 covers panel work, just parts i think, did a little damage to suspension and steering, new control arm etc, car pulled violently to the left when driving... id say probly 5 or 6k all up

  8. OP did you have or have insurance? looks close to just about a write off, reason I ask as I was at a BMW wrecker yesterday and there were minor accident damaged 36's there with less damage.

    Just curious thats all can't help with kit query sorry.

    No insurance mate, so ive gotta wait for the quote and take it to the guy who owns the sheep and hope like hell he will pay it *holds breath* just fixing the damage im looking at $3,500, but thats incl $1,400 to rebuild the front kit which i've now decided to scrap, so a new kit should only cost like $600? should drop the total down to like $2,800, but then ive still gotta respray the whole front kit, and front quater panel and bonnet (I'm assuming they cant blend a 3 layer pearl and will have to totally redo each damaged panel)

    That E36 thread had some nice pics but I still dont know what the kits are called and such for reference, also looks like theres a heap of different lip options avaliable for the same kits.

  9. He does live in gore.. I know most of the roads there pretty well... and yeah.. sheep do tend to get on the road.. since farmers are lazy.

    They hide in the ditches and jump out at the last bloody minute... had a few near-misses.. but no accidents thank god.

    At least someone actually gets it, I only had a split second to react so I couldnt do much really.

    Side skirts and rear kit arent up for debate, I love how they look, esp rear kit, just want to see options for front kits like an m3 kit or something, didnt really anticipate defending myself all day because of asking for help :P

  10. Poor sheep, I have sheep and I would of been gutted if you hit one of mine.

    Whats up then is that your car before the accident?

    I got car with this kit on it, really looks kinda flat to me, like it doesnt seem to flow with the lines of the bmw, ive never liked it, that and it was painted wrong.

    Sheep farmers especially down south need to learn how to spend a dollar and how to fence properly.

    1st post is of car before accident

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    And here she is after...

  11. Hey everyone,

    Basically the jist is this; few months ago I hit a sheep in my bmw and decimated the front left corner of the kit and bit of other damage, now herin lies the issue, I cannot find another kit like this anywhere and to get it fixed is gonna cost $1,400, yes thats right $1,400; Now, im not sure im that much of a fan to pay $1,400 just to rebuild one third of the kit anyway so what im looking for is for some photoshop gurus to mock me up some front kits on my pic so I can see if theres something that will appeal to my vanity; any and all help is appreciated greatly.

    Kind Regards.


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