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Posts posted by Diren

  1. I've got different temp readings at 1 (92 Celcius), and 2 (99 Celcius), and my temp game sits half way between noon and the first mark on the hot side. I thought 99 degrees would be within the buffer, so would have expected noon... Anyone have any ideas why the guage shows the car running hot (or why the different positions show different temps?) I'm running a 2001 540i, and just changed the thermostat which hasn't fixed the problem..



  2. I've started a project on a BMW e21, and hoping someone has some tips!

    I'm wondering where the best places to source parts from are in NZ, I've previously worked on e30s, but parts are much harder to come by for the e21.

    I currently need to get my hands on some bilstein sport shocks, and a replacement interior console..

    Anyone got any ideas?

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