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Posts posted by rookie2446

  1. yea I've read the posts and a couple of youtube videos and forms saying to insert the key fob press on the accelerator pedal etc,

    I've done half a dozen combos still cant get it to trigger  the learning process? for the start and end stops of valvetronics.  checked the new motor to see it's not faulty with a voltmeter and new motor works, 

    also during the lock down the battery died I had to get a brand new replacement the exact one and I have a feeling battery registration might be screwing with the system to go into learning mode ? 

    from what I've seen the inpa has to be used to get the start and end stops calibrated correctly, well outside my level of knowledge 

  2. hay guys I've got a bit of an issue I've replaced my valvetronics and hoping someone in here is north shore based who has inpa knowledge, and willing to do a home visit from what I've read start and end stops needs to be calibrated and I'm unable to do it.......  happy to pay what ever it costs  

  3. hay guys i have a 320i e90

    today starting the car all good no problems

    but from 500 rpm to 1k ---1.5k i can feel/ hear a noise that sounds like a grinding noise coming from the engine

    lifted the bonnet to try and spot where it is coming from but no idear,,,,,,

    any one come across this before cheers

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