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About lidu278

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    1st Gear

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    e30 325I

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  1. Looking for a front shock for my e30 51mm strut. Thanks guys Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I have tried that and doesn't work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Also sunroof won't work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Hey guys, My Windows on my 1986 325i e30 have stopped working, have changed fuses still no go. Anyone got any suggestions on fixing this? Thanks
  5. Thanks mate!! will be dropping in sometime next week.
  6. Thank you Neal, the plan is to get it looking like it just rolled out of the factory.
  7. . Always got to look good on Sunday otherwise the pastor won't be pleased right Olaf. Will keep the the bottle caps .
  8. cheers Olaf thank you for the advise and will defiantly take it on board!!
  9. Hey guys, Anyone know a good leather upholster that won't charge me a arm and a leg in Auckland. Thanks
  10. Hi there, have you still got these mate? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Hi guys, My names Lidushan, my brother got me hooked on the e30 since he bought his first one a couple of years ago. Finally bit the bullet and got this amazing 1986 325i. Love it to bits. Looking to do a manual conversion and put 15inch spokes on it. Any advise would be great. Thank you (sorry the sun roof isn't up in the photo) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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