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About Toe-knee

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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  • Name
  • Location
    New Plymouth
  • Car
    07 650i e63
  • Car 2
    Peugeot 407
  1. Hey sounding good guys...look forward to catching up at some point... keep in touch. I like my BMW's...previously had a 540 and a 730
  2. Hey all, who would be the best place or person to contact, ( or any idea's on here how to DIY)...On how to convert over a Navigational CCC unit from Japanese to NZ. Car is a 06 E63 BMW. Cheers in advance, Tony
  3. Hey all just a quick introduction of myself and my 06 i650 e63 BMW. My name is Tony, I am 47 years young and have lived in New Plymouth for around 18 years now. I've owned a 540 and a 730 in the past, and have now recently purchased a Japanese i650 off trade me in as is condition since the gearbox didnt operate. $7000 later with the car getting transported all over NZ trying to fix the SMG transmission the car is now all go...ended up been the clutch sensor. I also replaced the clutch while the gearbox was out of the car...made sense. Car goes very well but rather a hard ride on the butt but sticks to the road like glue
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