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Posts posted by Jakkals

  1. Thanks Lubed, that helped a lot. I was able to order the part and the coolant from BMW workshop. I could not get my hand far enough to get to all the bolts. I acquired my daughter's help and we got the part replaced within 15 min. I owe her big time, I meant my son owes her :)

    BMW is now leak free until the next one. Thanks for the help guys.

    Cheers, Jacques

  2. This is why I'm here, I can help myself and have tools or friends that have tools that I can borrow :) I replaced my cruiser engine, replaced rav's timing belt and fix stuff myself. I would like to give this at least a try if it is not to difficult. If the process to fix this is too involve then I will go the BMW Workshop.

    So my question is what is that black plastic part and what is it function and what is involve in replacing it or its seals etc. Does it involve removing the head for easy access, pull engine (Hopefully not) etc.



  3. Hi Guys,


    I'm new to this forum and this is my 1st post. We had this BMW for around 5 years and enjoyed it. Now it belongs to my son.


    It started developing a leak at the back of the engine and dripping on the exhaust causing a lot of smoke. It looks like the leak is coming from the black plastic cover next to the vacuum pump at the back of the engine. I don't know what this plastic cover's function is and how to remove this to check for seals. I have search the internet for any info on this, but came up empty handed.

    I only see the leak from the right side including the bolt on this cover. It looks like water, to thick for oil, but I'm not sure. It does not leak at the start, only around 10min plus on idle or driving.


    See pic of my sons car and an online pic as reference for the black plastic cover with the 4 bolts holding it below:





    Any help would be appreciated.


    Maybe this post should be under maintenance. Please move this if this is in wrong forum group.




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