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Posts posted by GreyGhost

  1. Hi,

    After driving my (1992) ancient and smelly Terrano for the last 16 years (which has had a range of live and dead animals in the back including sheep and once a very dead and very smelly alpaca) I have finally decided to upgrade. As an aside, a wee while ago my partner took the car with a trailer load of sheep for delivery to a couple of friends. She dropped off the first half-a-dozen but was unable to secure the last remaining one securely in the trailer; so she tied it up and put it in the back of the Terrano. Being tied up didn't prevent it from weeing and pooing, liberally. Took a while for that smell to dissipate! Anyway - hummed and hahed for quite a while. Should I get a 6-year old Kia or similar or an older premium car. Well obviously the premium car won out - a 10 year old BMW is still well nicer than a 6 year old Kia (or whatever). Looked at a Q5 (too complicated) and an ML320 (too ugly) before settling on an X5. Didn't necessarily want the 40D but that was what was available so it'll do nicely ?. Haven't had much of a chance to drive it yet, and won't for the next month other than to the supermarket but it is a lovely ride and I love the engine growl. No doubt I'll be badgering people about all sorts of BMW related stuff - but that is for another post(s). In the meantime, is there a funny handshake or something I have to learn now I am a member of the club?



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