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Posts posted by geeveejay

  1. Tried Bellars again...…...success this time, I have the car booked in next week. I think maybe my initial email suggested tinkerer a bit too much. I know some garages aren't keen on DIYers.

    That's half the fun of having a project car , have learnt lots of new thing over the last few weeks


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  2. Hi

    Can anyone recommend a friendly independent preferably North Auckland who could so some work ( probably a smoke test to start with ) on my 2001  M54 powered Z3. I am chasing p0174 and p0171 codes and I am probably reaching the end of my knowledge and ability ( and equipment come to that !)  

    I did try emailing a few but only one came back to me and that was Bellars and they said they don't do older cars, which did surprise me as I didn't see the Z3 as that old. Its a shame as they are the closest to home    

    • Like 1

  3. Thanks for the responses. Really appreciated .

    Central locking fixed on the remote ...…..! Its the extra step that makes the difference. These instruction added the hold close to the mirror and press another button, brilliant thank you

    Checked the 3 caps that you suggested ( I take it they are all in a cluster 2 small one larger ) they are all intact, so its not that unfortunately, worth a look though   

    Murray, I think I came across one of your posts previously about re window replacement and a supplier in the US, might look at doing that eventually

    Regards Graham    

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  4. Hi All


    Have just purchased my first even BMW after 38 plus years of driving. Its a bit of a hobby car and needs work ( but was cheap enough ) its a relatively low ks 2.2 2002 car, but I am more used to earlier classics so black box electronics is not something I am particularly used to  

    I have two issues I want to sort mechanically/ electrically  before I get on to bits and pieces of paint and other minor fixes

    The first is an CEL, this was originally a PO303 code. I did a coil pack swop to see if it was a dead pack but then spotted a split in the lower intake boot. Changed this out and it drove fine for 20ks but CEL came back this time with a PO171 code which seems to suggest another air leak, cant see anything obvious in the upper boot. I am thinking of getting a smoke test but is there anywhere obvious I should look before I do this?

    Second issue is central locking. This didn't work at all, but I also noticed the boot brake light was also out. A quick Google search suggested the boot loom, what a mess, there were only two cables without breaks or damage. An hour with soldering iron put that right, for now ( will replace the loom eventually) . Brake lights now work and the locking will now lock all the doors and boot. Locking from the boot activates all the door locks so I don't think I have an actuator issue. After my fix the central locking works fine from the key, but still not the remote.

    I have also seen comment about disconnecting the fuel flap which can cause issues , but this is working fine  

    The key fob ( two button) had flat batteries but I have replaced those and using my phone I can see the IR is producing a signal. I am therefore leaning towards programming or a receiving issue. I have followed the re programming instructions on line with no luck ( the press 3 times way). Not sure where to go now to sort this , but don't like to be beaten. If I have to get an expert to look at it who would be best, locksmith, BMW specialist or Auto electrician ?

    On that note can anyone recommend a good independent BMW specialist  Auckland ( preferably North) who would be happy to fault find but not necessarily do all the work, I enjoy tinkering and that's a big part of old car ownership for me. That's not to say I would never pay anyone to work on the car, just depends on the job

    Regards Graham 



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