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Everything posted by joeyguse

  1. Thanks for that. And yes, I'm currently following your advice and enjoying the summer! Thanks for the pics. That's helpful. Dunedin might be a possibility.
  2. Hey guys! I have a 1998 Z3 that I bought rather impulsively during the lockdown after selling my beloved Porsche. Long story short, I had to replace the top, and it has been a nightmare! I'm down in Queenstown and it's currently now without a top at all after an alleged amatuer "mechanic" couldn't put on the replacement top I purchased on Ebay https://www.ebay.com/itm/BMW-Z3-1996-2002-Convertible-Soft-Top-Replacement-Plastic-window-Black-Twill/251363643224?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 I looked up the model number and it looks like this top should fit. I'm really not sure if I need to order a new top or try and get a real mechanic to try to fit it. The problem is, Queenstown is a bit barren when it comes to ANYONE with this sort of expertise. I may have to do Dunedin or even Christchurch. Anyway, looking for some advice from some of the Beamer geniuses on here. Does this top look like it should work? It certainly looks like it by the Ebay add and reviews on there. What are my other options? Order another new top and pay all that labor cost? Is it even worth it? Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
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