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Posts posted by kasser

  1. On 1/4/2023 at 9:38 AM, akapjay said:

    Did you do something cool over the break period, or snap a pic of anything wicked over the year?

    Share 'em here for us to oogle while we're back at work or winding down.

    I took the hard top off and went camping. Convertibles are pretty much just fancy utes anyway right?



    Looks goof rest!

  2. Your criteria are quite sensible – a substantial print bed, user-friendly setup, budget-friendly, and from a reputable brand. I faced a similar dilemma when choosing mine. I ended up going with the [Brand X Model Y] and it's been a game-changer. It met most of my requirements and came with good customer support. However, I did find the initial calibration a bit finicky. I hope you find the perfect printer that suits your needs! Keep exploring and researching – it's worth it in the end. Good luck! 

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