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About shahmirchoudhry

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    1st Gear

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    Shahmir Hussain Choudhry
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  1. thanks alot for all the help you are very help full
  2. Yep it worked thanks alot Yes the esim is working as it shows the location on my bmw thanks alot
  3. alright ill probably do it today was busy yeterday so ill update you shortly sorry for the wait thanks for the information on the sim
  4. thanks for the reply. So ill try to change my address to japanese adress. IF that works that will be good. I dont think i have put a sim but maybe you are talking about another sim. Yes thats what I was saying about changing country error i dont know why it sent that.
  5. mybmw not working on japan import it is on a 2017 530e and the error is to change the country to whcih it fails to do so. i dont know why it fails or why it even wants to change contry though the map is nz
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