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About Deek9000

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    James Hendry
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    BMW 420i

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  1. The plinth is attached with self tapping screws, that's as flush as it gets. Frame is a lot tidier now though. I couldn't source the correct screws for the frame but was taking the car in for a service anyway so the mechanic replaced them with the correct screws while he was at it.
  2. Quick update. The individual parts have arrived and had a go at replacing everything accordingly today. Unfortunately the fitment of both the holder and the frames on the front is an absolute shocker and will need a redo. Products used: Kiwiplates Euro Black (only option in NZ, right?) Autographics Euro black plate frames w backing (anyone else used these? none of the cutouts in these frames lined up at all with the screw holes on the holder, is there a tried and true alternative out there?) Spareto 6509-01-0070920P - Licence plate holder (front only) I'm happy with the rear plate install and I was able to attach the plate frame with the same two screws that held the Japanese holder in place in the factory pre-drilled holes. The front is a complete dog's breakfast though and the fitment between the plate holder and bumper, as well as the plate frames, is way way off. Is the combination of products or the hardware (supplied) or just lack of experience on my part on getting this right the issue here? Would anyone with first hand experience with these products recommend specific hardware that worked for their install? Or an alternative plate frame (this particular one seems to be absolutely useless for the purpose of attaching it to Euro license plate holder)? Or do I ditch the license plate holder instead and try and attach the plate frame directly to the bumper? I feel like it would look tidier on the front with a plate holder between frame and bumper given it's got quite a curve to it and the holder will mitigate that, but open to suggestions. Alternatively, if anyone knows of a genuine, compatible combination of European plate holder and European plate frames to fit this model on the front, along with the specific hardware that fits those parts (single kit would be genius), please let me know!
  3. Nice! Impressed with how tidy these look after the trim, and not snapping that lower bar off in the process.
  4. Thank you, yeah I couldn’t source any plate surrounds for the small / slim size plates so opted for the Euro size holder on the front and Euro plates and frames for front and back. hoping that most of the holes in the front bumper can be covered up by the new holder and plate, but will have at least two to patch up which is a pain.
  5. That’s really helpful, cheers! The mount is for front only or front and back?
  6. Makes sense. I’ll trust bolts over tape, but can see why tape’s a good route for some.
  7. Looks good! Did you use existing drill holes to attach the frame? And did you go for euros front and back?
  8. Very tidy. Looks like the bracket in your case forms part of the bumper panel, looks great after the trim! Is the rear same as mine with two bolts in the bracket?
  9. Hadn’t thought of that! I’d be keen to see the results after you’re done!
  10. If it’s strong enough to hold the plates securely, isn’t it going to be a nightmare to remove when you (or future owner) decide to change the plates? genuinely curious, have you changed the plates since and how did you get the tape off?
  11. Thank you. Yes, was thinking of putting the plate over the top two holes and fill in the lower ones at the front. Should keep the plate well away from the radar. Do you know of any retailers that sell the plinths in NZ? All I can find are “plate surrounds” which add a frame around the plate. like this https://www.autographics.co.nz/product/european-number-plate-holder/
  12. Thank you. Do you know of any retailers that sell the plinths in NZ? All I can find are “plate surrounds” which add a frame around the plate. like this https://www.autographics.co.nz/product/european-number-plate-holder/
  13. Hi there, First time BMW owner and it’s a Japanese import so has plate brackets fitted accordingly. I’m keen to replace the standard plates with black slims or euros but am curious to hear from anyone who’s done the same and what you’d recommend. Prefer a clean look without the Japanese brackets. If I remove them, what are the options to fit new ones? It looks like there’s an indent at the rear for where the plate should go (without the bracket). Is this the Euro size? And for the front, there will be holes from where the bracket was fitted but could I get these patched up/filled and then attach any size plate (black slim, ideally) to the front? Or should I instead be looking for a replacement bracket that fits the pre drilled holes front and back and then source plate sizes to fit those? Apologies if this has been asked before, I couldn’t find a definitive guide on this topic. Thanks in advance
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