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About bwaaarcode

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    1st Gear

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  1. They're great cars... I'm almost tempted but we're worlds apart $$$-wise.
  2. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=1239669854 High km's, no service history, fantastic sales pitch Last serious owner had it for 3 years, someone bought it and flicked it in 12 days to the guy selling it... who's had it for 2 months! Seems legit.
  3. Getrag: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=988583502
  4. Cleaning out the last of my bmw stuff: Rolling body: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=988723456
  5. I have a nice, straight rolling body that is rust free. Face lift four door in alpine white. Live plates. 800 Also have a G260 that is in perfect condition - shifts beautifully. 600 Christchurch. Enquires by phone, no pm's please. 021 969 356
  6. bwaaarcode


    Hi, price will drop as bits are removed. Currently is complete except for steering wheel, front seats. The battery tray, cover and external rear trim (behind number plate) are being picked up this weekend.
  7. bwaaarcode


    Extractors and wheel sold. 30 for shift boot. Leather good condition, needs to be reglued to frame - although it doesn't really matter as clipping in frame to trim holds it in place. No ski hatch or bag in this car! Guy I talked to today said he'd only seen it in e36? Rolling body now 1000
  8. bwaaarcode


    sold this afternoon, sorry.
  9. bwaaarcode


    I don't know what a rear ski hatch is. A fold down seat so you can bang the skis in, I'm guessing?
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