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Posts posted by dix

  1. Hi guys

    I seemed to have solved my spare key problem, so I pass this on to anyone else who might be wanting a second key.

    Eventually got myself an 'adapter key' from Jeff Gray for the cost of $166. The adapter fob holds a blade manual entry key with a programmed chip in it. So, whilst I have no remote capability, I can gain entry to the car and I can drive it!

    Not a bad option, which some owners don't know about. Of course, there should have been an adapter key as a spare in the car when I bought it. But it was pre-owned, so enough said.

  2. Well, I'm in Wellington but I assume that there're still postal services? So anywhere worldwide would do the job.

    As far as my local BMW dealer goes, here's an experience for you. I was recently quoted over $500 for an ABS wheel sensor, but purchased the same article via ebay for US$38!

  3. Hi again

    Appears I don't need my newly purchased ABS wheel sensors now! No, I need to have my ABS unit rebuilt and so it's getting sent off to Tauranga.

    Is there anywhere else I could get another unit, possibly off a wrecked car, or is this 'rebuild' the best deal for me?

    Cheers all!!!

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