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Posts posted by Jazzbass

  1. I know its all just a matter of personal preference, but I nearly lose my lunch when I see chromies on a BMW or Merc.

    I do think wheel choice is dependant on what you want from your car. If you want comfort - stick with the factory 16s, if you want looks, go to 17s or 18s (at the expense of ride comfort normally). If you're purely after having people lose their lunch when they see your car - go 19" chromies!! :) if that's not enough - put some spinners on too!! ;)

  2. LOL!

    Do try to keep up, mate!! :)

    I ordered a new Primera Wagon this week.

    My reasons are manyfold, not the least being I really need the extra space and putting my tatty old band gear on my nice BMW leather seats has always caused me to shiver, as has leaving the Bimmer outside seedy places I've played at.

    I've mentioned before that I have a practical need/side to me. The P12 wagon is that side coming to the fore. Its a way to provide the space I need at a low cost, low mileage and low maintenance.

    Of course it's no match for a nice shiny late model BMW, but I don't look at it in that light. It just a Jappo car, which I'm sure I'll tire of quickly and another BMW is certainly in my future, but at the mo' it suits my requirements for a car.

  3. So, a new Primera wagon is more refined than a late model, standard straight six BMW? Not being a dick, but really

    I never said it was, mate.

    I offered neither reason nor opinion for my choice.

    However, I made my choice for me, no-one else. :)


    Thanks for that, mate - it just made my leaving here (since I won't have a BMW and therefore not a lot of say on a BMW forum) a lot easier.

  4. Last Friday I traded in my E39 528 on an E46 330.

    On Sunday, as I was heading to New Plymouth, I finally realised that I couldn't stand the drone of the exhaust.

    I interrupted my trip and took it back to Jeff Gray Manawatu.

    They tried to find me a newer 530 - without luck. There was one in Wellington, but it sold that morning.

    Jeff Gray Manawatu and particularly Glynn Theobold and John Curlionis were marvellous and completely understood my problem. Some other car sales firms would have wiped their hands the second I drove out the gate. I can't praise them enough. Next time I buy another BMW - I will ONLY go there. They've treated me right with every BMW I've had (4).

    The car?

    The 330 went bloody well, but that exhaust note was at first cool, then more and more irritating and finally I just couldn't stand it. My wife and I both ended up with headaches from the constant noise (for those who don't know - a 528 is almost silent on the road and that's what we're used to), We're both agreed - we've outgrown a 3 series - every one we've had has been loud.

    I've read many times that once you've graduated to a 5 or a 7 you can never go back to a 3. IME, they're right!

    20 hours - the shortest time I've ever owned a car I intended to keep for myself.

  5. Many people expect the wrong sort of performance from BMW, IMO. They are not (as a rule) blazingly fast off the mark, like most Japanese cars, but to me, the performance comes from sustained effortless high-speed motoring, cornering and general ride, which I have never found to be as acceptable in a std Japanese car.

    To me, the difference seems to be:

    Equivalent common Jap cars are very quick off the mark, making a lot of noise in the process. This noise and general harsher ride I find very very tiresome. Couple this with a more 'lightweight' feel (in the sense of them not being so durable in feel) and I find them less attractive for my driving. ymmv.

    BMW's OTOH are firmer on the road, soak up bumps better and just 'feel' more solid, thus making driving a BMW more satisfying. I also prefer quiet over noise any day of the week.

    We all pays out money and makes our choice. No such thing as the 'best' car.

  6. Yuen, only problems I've had have been:

    Flat battery - replaced under dealer warranty

    Replacement water pump - under dealer warranty

    New disk pads all round

    pinhole in radiator hose - replaced at parts cost only by dealer

    slight water leak in boot.

    No other problems at all.

  7. Cat out - coby in!

    I liked the change on my 318 and my 325.

    Will you?

    I have no idea - cars seem to behave differently to similar mods.

    Just do it and find out.

    Its cheap and cheerful.

    Plus you get that cool paint smell while the red/orange coby paint burns off...

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