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About Cody

  • Rank
    1st Gear
  • Birthday 06/07/1991

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  • Car
    1989 BMW 318i

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  1. Ahh Ashkan, yeah remember you for sure man - cheers for the welcome.
  2. Im guessing you're a friend of his LOWBMW?
  3. Cheers Hell, will do next week sometime - do i need to organise something or drop in? Also found the paint color: "Lackseiber Metallic" Can't quite remember the spelling but its something along those lines.
  4. Ha yeah i asked for the bumper too He said he left it at the panelbeaters when he got the new one put on - this was 18 months ago fml. BRS - Cheers man, took a look and discovered its Liechsiber Metallic (spelling?) or something like that, forgot the correct spelling. How hard would it be to find some of that?
  5. HellBM - I tried to see what was underneath but i just simply couldn't see. It feels as though the bumper has been bolted on in a few spots, to what i havent a clue.
  6. How much would that set one back Gouba? Thanks for all the awesome input everyone, great community If anyones on the shore and is keen to have a go at this ill let you know when i've got a bumper!
  7. Someone care to fill me in then..? >_>
  8. Lost. Andy didn't wanna fill me in on the joke or the like lol so just flew over my head.
  9. Thanks for the welcome Gotheschu I haven't heard of a BBQ meet but i'd definitely be keen to have a chat with other Bimmer guys!
  10. Cheers BRS, will take a look in the morning - is it expensive to have painted/fitted?
  11. Err okay? :S Cheers i suppose lol. Thanks RJS! Yeah for sure - have had a few PM's. Anyone know how i could find the color code and/or where i could get a new bumper painted?
  12. Thankyou BRS im in love! Explain Andy? :/
  13. Wow thats sick man, you made me fall in love with E30's even more.... How would i go about painting it/finding the paint? Sorry for the obvious questions :/
  14. Most likely molehole, father was selling on behalf of his son that is a high school student - browns bay area so quite potentially? Anyhow yeah, had some great help in regards to the bumper
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