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Steve K-B

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Everything posted by Steve K-B

  1. Im sure cop cars arnt insured, no company will do it apparently. Dosnt change the fact they will pay up tho. Sucks about your car man, but cops are unfortunatly human too.
  2. Use the probe and trace back down the brake wire to see if you can find the problem. Im suprised about the relay being down the back. Does it look like an after market set up? May be for a high stop light or somthing? There should only be one fuse for the brake lights and as one side is going, it shouldnt be that. Look for dirty contacts also. Hope this helps
  3. No relays close there, One fuse for both sides. Swap bulbs side to side to see if thats your problem.
  4. Wheres the post? im hopless Also how much and whered you grt them from??
  5. Hey man, do you have a right hand tail light?? Cheers
  6. OK, after having a good look at it all the chip in the back of the OBC, its the wrong type (3-1.1TYP instead of 3-1.2TYP) So i assume that all the reading will be incorect and possably in Miles instead of kms. All the buttons are in Miles also... Will, do you know what the dial at the back of the OBC is for? its was pointed at 30 when it came out of the car. Theres CH30, 30, 60 and CH60. Im still dead keen to get a OBC into my car but if its the wrong type im not going to bother with it. Ill have to try and get another one i think.
  7. Thanks for your awesome posts topless! Couldnt have asked for anything better. Mirror is in and working well now for the OBC. Will let you now how it goes
  8. Are they diffrent between 2 and 4 door?? Or are you just trying to convince me of selling it to you? l This mirror is being an absolute bitch. I think is drawing to much power and blowing fuses. It works for a second then blows, no matter what im runing it of on the check control . I think ill have to run it off the interior lights at the rear... And after looking again at the front seats if i want to use them ill have to get them fixed for a couple of rips
  9. haha, ive seen an engine sit for ten plus years under cover, put new leads, plugs, oil and points on it and she was a perller! But bmw engines may be a diffrent story haha, but im sure yours will be sweet as. Just crank it over every month or so (if you can) to get oil pressure if your really worried.
  10. Possably the thrust bearing. does the noise sound like a rough, rumbeling noise? Usually the thrust bearing will make this noise when its worn and the clutch is let out. If it makes noise when the clutch is in, its usually the pilot/spigot bearing. Yes they are both close to the clutch and the norm is to replace them both when the clutch is done.
  11. Thats one impressive 15 year old! And they called it supercharged? Id love to see that
  12. Ahh! ive only just seen this post! Hope you didnt get them with out me Chris..... Ill send a pm
  13. Yeah, sorry about that! I was just testing..... lol
  14. It was turned into a track car Thats how i got the stuff
  15. Hey all, Ive some how managed to get all leather seats, headliner, mirror and the rest of the interior minus the carpet and dash out of an E30 left hand drive M3. Id be dead keen to stick the black headliner, seats and possably the mirror into my 325. Im just not to sure on the headliner as the m3 i think has a diffrent roof pattern at the rear. Im hoping that because the rear C pillars extended from the bottom on the m3 rather than the top that the headliner should still fit, if you get what i mean But the C pillar part of the head liner would definatly be to big so if i can ill cut it to fit. (if i can do it ) The mirror on the m3 has map lights and again im not sure if my wiering harnes will have that option, any way im sure that part wont be to hard and im hoping the seats are the same. Ohh, ive also got an on bord computer to go inplace of my analogue clock. I rember seeing on the web that there was a way to install it but i cant find it. Also because its from an m3 it may not work proply with the diffrent engine and all anyway. http://www.unofficialbmw.com/repair_faqs/obc.html <-------- that web site seems to no about it. Has any body tryed and suceded/failed at any of this? :bounce:
  16. I would have thought it must have bent the chassis rail to smash the engine mount like that. I feel for you dude, geta a couple of quotes. Nothing like a profesionals oppinion.
  17. What your describing sounds like the battery has a bad conection. Its a bit weird its only done it a few times over a long perriod. Get a volt meter and test for volts drop from the battery earth to the starter (earth)while cranking. I cant see how the starter could have a bad earth but it has happened to me before. Do the same with the positve side (but to the starter positive wire on the starter side of the solenoid) Check all earth leads. Hope that can help point you in the right direction. Im sure other people will give some other ideas.
  18. Agreed. If i email an image (eg in a Word document) and give you sizing etc, can you make stickers that way? I dont have anthing pland at this stage but am working on somthing. Would that work?
  19. Look in the phone book and ring around.....
  20. Seen it, Not a nice video. Not somthing id laugh about
  21. I went for about an hour to watch but was to disapointed to stay after the car craped its self on the way in Front brakes seized on after i lost the rear brakes... Disapointed
  22. Low pad indicator? How thick are the pads? Could be no anti seize on shims. (not sure if Bmw even uses them?)
  23. OK - aparently the first timed run is at 10:00 and the last at 4:30. (so ive been told...)
  24. Just thought id let people know about the hillclimb in the domain this sunday. It realy is a choice event to watch. Ive been for the last few years and loved it! The cars race up from the bottom of lower domain drive up to the top. Theres heeps of places to watch and im sure there will be a few exciting moments! Im not to sure what time it starts but ill post it up as soon as i find out. If youve got nothing to do on sunday, come out and have a look for your self. :bounce:
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