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Beemr Girl

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Posts posted by Beemr Girl

  1. Sure - I'll put a post up closer to the time and we can pick a date then....I think it cost us about $140 for a couple for Canty Car club...it's worthwhile if you're going to get on the track a few times a year because you're saving $50 per half day you're out there etc....

  2. If we have this much interest, I'll pencil in to book a track day for say first week in Feb - even around Waitangi day. We can do a Tuesday or a Friday. It's $100 for non members for a half day, or $50 if you are a Canterbury Car Club Member...We can get this down though if we have the numbers....Sweet! Will be good to see more Beemr's out there......

  3. The track day was set up by Rexnet - my partner drives a WRX and we have a few events with the subbies etc. We had a mate with an M3 out there on the day as well which made for good fun - hot car!!! We also joined up with Canty Car Club so it's just $50 for a half day on the track....It's not hard for us to set up a track day - need at least 10 cars, there are at least 4 of us already that will go on any day so if anyone's keen???

  4. hehehe :D - my first time on the track, so yeah, some 'interesting' lines :P was all good, not timed laps, but am heading out again next Friday so will be having a look this time to see how quick we can get around. A note to others, if your car is under warranty don't leave your number plates on!! Friend is a photographer, posted pics on the net, and BAM! the warranty company spotted it and wrote me a lovely - see ya later letter! :banghead:

    loving the car - had it for just on a year now....first euro - never goin back!

  5. Had a track day out at Ruapuna, and decided to see what the Beem'r could do...The conclusion for the day was....ALOT. The M-tech suspension is mint for cornering, and together with the brake setup we had a whole lot of fun!!


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