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Posts posted by KingPango

  1. Rush hour isn't too bad I find, the clutch on an E30 isnt too stiff really. Just takes some practice :D. Mind you, i do have PT 3 times a week to keep my clutch leg in shape haha.

    Lol, try telling that to my mate who had a racing clutch in his car. It was like a freakn legpress machine at the gym lol. Basiclly it was either on or off. Going through drive throughs was always amasuing lol

  2. Thanks for that Matt. Went through the entire thread (great way to kill an afternoon at work) and did a bit of research around names and places that people had recommended.mentioned.

    Did you end up getting one yourself? I also remember seeing TradeMe User Song something.......... about the same topic I think.

    I managed to find who they were talking about: TradeMe Name: Song80

    Was interesting watching M-Spec's video on YouTube (nothing wrong with the music BTW :D ) I thought this certainly put an interesting spin on the whole ordeal as I originally was considering just getting a DICE MediaBridge but if you double the cost (going from TradeMe prices) the trade-off is FAR superior IMO

    I did however notice that in M-Spec's first video he was using a stylus (could have been a pen Im not entirely sure) but how do you find it using your fingers?

  3. The advantage of the Dynavin units is if you have a standard E39 business stereo it is a simple case of plug and play.

    So for aurgment sakes, lets say I brought a BMW with a completely stock FM Radio/6 Disc Stacker/Tape Deck - unit (argh that sounded better in my head lol). All I would need to do is buy a unit like the one on TradeMe (but with the correct model) and it’s all plug and play?

    Are there any other units like this but without all the other extra's (GPS, Camera's, etc). I've raked my brain over this because this is a HUGE concern for me in regards to getting a 5xx BMW (changing over the headunit to have an easy functionality of IPod accessibility)

  4. PHEW! *wipes the sweat off my forehead* Was waiting to get grilled for sec lol

    Yeah thats cool. Would just love to have a big screen/headunit like that but dont want to fully butcher my car with something that seriously doesnt look like it should be there if you know what I mean.

    Sorry if this is a real silly question too but what are the Dynavin units?

    Thanks Matt

  5. Oh was just thinking the costs of getting something like this installed into a BMW that is simply running stock 6 CD Changer in the back.

    I dont care for the main features (such as GPS, Camera's, etc). Im only after Ipod interface and possible CD player.

    Just not sure wither I could handle having to sit there and through my Ipod through the factoy BMW headunit. Would like to see it in person.

    Has anyone installed like a double din unit to mimic the above link?

  6. Thanks for that Jason.

    Yeah, trying not to rush into it eh. Am fairly certain I'm after a 528i and would prefer it to have a sunroof. However I would be happy purchasing this one (granted everything is ok).

    Just waiting to see what other members recommend for a Wellington BMW Specialist to take a look over the car.

    but wait there's more you get a free ps2 thrown in for free, Now thats the deal breaker.

    Lol, that was hardcase eh

  7. Thanks for that advice Ryan.

    Yeah as soon as everyone started warning me about Singapore imports, I franticly started searching through the forums and TradeMe for suggestions and alternatives.

    Yeah I'm really looking forward to seeing it in person and hopefully everything is what it says it is. Ever since I started looking at BMWs and joined the forums Ive been itching to get one myself

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