I have got some idle issues. I read a lot of these threads when it comes to the v8's and all of the potential issues they may have, and it drives people nuts trying to sort them. So my car idles way to high, it settles eventually after about 10 minutes driving, but something is obviously wrong. It was running sweet a few months ago, and I havent really done anything since. The usual suspects are out, I am sure there are no leaks etc, but I wish I had a scanner thing for it, I have checked, it's not one of those things you can just buy off the shelf? Does anyone have something?
Anyway the only thing, and it may not even be a thing is, that my ambient temperature sensor, the yellow thing with a probiscus, has had a wire break. So only one is connected. Does this unassuming sensor have anything to do with my idle issues?
So qn 1. Can someone help me with a diagnostic thing, that I cannot buy off the shelf?
qn 2. Does that sensor have anything to do with the general running of the vehicle? The car has other sensors, so I am guessing not?