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Installing clears - any tutorials/walkthroughs?

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Howdy, just about finished with my bimmer .. wheels, lowered, tints, clears ... well half way through installing clear ... rears were easy enough but I'm not sure how to tackle the front ones that are attached to the headlights, Ive had a bit of a google but came up with naff all, can anyone gimme a bit of adivce about how to take them out etc.


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hey do you mean the sides, my friends e36 when he had it, had one screw if i can remember, then they slide out?

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Nah bro, those ones are piss easy lol.

I more worried about if I take the headlights out - which I dont know if I'm supposed to do or not, google doesn't seem to have any good write up on how to do it.

DEPO FTW, will post final pics of car tomorrow, wash, waxed etc tomorrow if I can figure it out.

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Hey Josh,

All you need to remove the front clears is a long flathead screwdriver. The front indicators are held in by a clip that clips onto the headlights. Basically you need to bend the clip enough for it to let go of the headlight. So, if you're facing the car from the front, and trying to remove the driver's side indicator, put the long flathead into the gap between the headlight and the indicator (from the top of the car, so 90 degrees to the bonnet). Then, push the clip towards your left. At the same time, get a grip on the indicator and wiggle it out. Try not to break the pin on the indicator which goes into the little hole on the side fender (it usually already is broken if someone has removed the indicator before, don't worry, it doesn't do much).

Then just replace the indicator with your new one. Note that the indicator will have 2 notches on the clip. I usually try to get it in past the 2nd notch, just in case it slips past 1 notch, don't want it to fall out on the motorway. If you can't get it past 2 notches, just adjust your headlight screws so it sits outwards more.

Good luck. Just study the indicator and the whole setup if you're still unsure. The amount of words needed to describe this makes it sound so intimidating but it's really a 20 second job.

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Thanks dude, much appreciated, your instructions worked perfectly, car looks farking mint - I'll try post pics later but its being typical palmy bitch weather right now and raining ...

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Thanks dude, much appreciated, your instructions worked perfectly, car looks farking mint - I'll try post pics later but its being typical palmy bitch weather right now and raining ...

No worries man, looking forward to the pics!

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