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Please Help!

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For about three days now my e36 320i has not been running :(.

Now when it comes to car troubles im fairly new and it has only just become a new interest, therefore i am rather inexperienced with anything under the hood of a car.

So from what I understand my problem is that the engine is turning over but not starting.

Have checked the oil and radiator, and can see no problems showing on the dash.

So if anybody could give me any help at all it would be much appreciated!


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Does it seem to get closer and closer to starting as you crank it more? We need more details. In my experience (have a 320i too) it was fuel flooding - so had to crank it many many times before it started up and ran rough for a while.

It can also be that your spark plugs need to be changed.

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In response to it getting closer and closer to starting, no it just gives the same old struggle of wanting to start up.

Will take a look at the spark plugs as I havnt actually bothered checking them since i bough the car :wacko:


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before you check the spark plugs crank it over abit. when you remove spark plugs try and smell for fuel. when you have done that take no1 spark lead off and hold it against the block while someone cranks it. listen for a clicking sound or you may see a spark coming out of the lead.

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