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bimmer boy

Apple iBook's

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So I need another laptop for uni... the one I have just doesnt cut it and my home computer is less than portable.

Im a architecture student so needs to run programs like archi cad and sketch up, photoshop etc.

I just need word processors and the odd design program.

Ive been looking at Apple laptops (mainly iBook G3, kinda already bought one) just for the infamous reliabilty I hear so much of about macs

Of course it would get new RAM put it to the most it can take etc.

Might look at getting OS X installed, just wanted to know from some other mac users think or know about the G3 ibook or if anyone knows much about this OS X?

much apreciated, chur

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So I need another laptop for uni... the one I have just doesnt cut it and my home computer is less than portable.

Im a architecture student so needs to run programs like archi cad and sketch up, photoshop etc.

I just need word processors and the odd design program.

Ive been looking at Apple laptops (mainly iBook G3, kinda already bought one) just for the infamous reliabilty I hear so much of about macs

Of course it would get new RAM put it to the most it can take etc.

Might look at getting OS X installed, just wanted to know from some other mac users think or know about the G3 ibook or if anyone knows much about this OS X?

much apreciated, chur

G3 iBooks are pretty reliable, but are getting rather old now (iBook g4 was released early 2003, g3 around 2001).

OSX is fantastic, very easy to use, although if you're coming off Windows you'll need to play around to get used to everything. The processors of the G3 iBooks are considered slow by today's standards, so plenty of RAM is essential to run major programs.

Beware that in the early G4s and some G3s the logic (mother) boards are weak and prone to fail completly at least once during their lifetime. It is expensive to completly replace the logic board (as the Mac geeks claim you have to do) but i've revived 3 socalled 'dead' iBooks by applying pressure to a microchip inside with a piece of plastic. Other than this most iBooks are generally bullet-proof, apart from the battery.

Definately get OSX installed, although I personally wouldn't install the latest (Leopard) as the G3 may have issues with running it. It would be great with Panther or Tiger. Don't get anything like OS 9, because they suck compared to OSX.

Hope this helps

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I agree, the G4 is excellent and running OS X Tiger.

Never used a G3, so couldn't comment on that.

Magnum Mac have their demo Macbook on sale for $1500 off memory. I was in there yesterday.

Edited by Cain

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Cheers guys, Yeah i was only intending to use OS X tiger.

Im only after a G3 because its my mates one and its mint as and he selling it dirt dirt cheap. So I will live with that, and see if I can get my head around how to work a mac after only ever using a pc, and if its all good I'll look at a G5 next year.

But yeah my sisters thought it was a good idea to get a apple laptop so shes getting a G4 from somewhere so might just steal that from her....

thanks for heads up about motherboards etc

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